"I Jogged Off 60 Pounds!"



From Health magazine
Lisa Oaks traded in ice cream treats for daily runs—and has never been happier.

When I was pregnant in the late 90s, my husband and I thought it was hilarious that local Dairy Queen employees knew us by name and order—the Mr. Misty slush with ice cream! But in October 2008, I bent over to tie my shoes and—weighing 192 pounds—found I couldnt breathe. I did some research and decided to give Dr. Siegals Cookie Diet a try for several months, checking in with my doctor.

jogged-off-60-lbs-after-150x200.jpg jogged-off-60-lbs-after-150×200.jpg .

  • 132 lbs-April 2009-Surgery helps control my seizures—and ups my energy.
  • 132 lbs-May 2010–now-Looking good in size 6 jeans!
  • Way to go, Lisa! To help Lisa keep hitting new running and hiking goals, Jansport is giving her the Catalyst adventure racing pack.