How I Got My Body Back After Twins


Im turning 50 this month. There, I said it! The way Ive been preparing for this milestone? Ive taken the things Ive learned from Health and applied them to my own (not always so terrific) eating and exercise habits, so I could finally lose the 12 extra pounds Id been toting through my 40s.

The truth is, I wasnt sure it was possible to get back my pre-twin-boys body. A part of me really believed that you just cant maintain the same fighting weight as you age. But today Im happy to say Ive done it—Im at 126, about what I weighed when I was 30.

How did I do it? First, I didnt starve myself ever (see "Common Diet Myths"). And I did the kinds of things Health promotes (see "Get Skinny Tricks"). I made substitutions (traded my beloved grande vanilla lattes for dry cappuccinos, for example, saving about 140 calories a day), wrote down everything I ate, and chewed a whole lot of gum. Plus, I worked out almost every day. For extra inspiration, I kept trying on a favorite pair of red-leather pants that I havent been able to zip up for at least eight years. They fit.

So, Im here to tell you that it can be done. And Health is dedicated to helping you reach your own weight-loss goals.

OK, 50 … Im ready for you.