Despite Setbacks, I'm Ready to Conquer My Weight Loss Challenge


All in all, I can say that this has been a pretty good week. After my epiphany from last week, I decided to get my head back in the game. Im still struggling with the routine of the food diary (now its become a standoff between us), but my exercise game is back on. Nichole commented on the difference in my attitude when it comes to the working out.

I used to psych myself out while doing exercises that I didnt enjoy. I would concentrate on my feelings of dislike rather than getting the exercise done. Not only did this make it infinitely more painful (mentally) to get things done, I was depriving myself of the rush of joy that comes with having successfully complete three reps of something difficult!

Ive since learned to stop focusing on my displeasure and to concentrate on completing the task at hand. I dont use the word “completion” lightly at all. I was always so focused on the details that I thought it was okay to quit something halfway through because I had expended so much energy along the way. Now I can step back, see the big picture, embrace the challenge and conquer it. Nichole noticing this change was a major boost and just what I needed to remind me of how far Ive come.

If I wasnt sure then, it became really clear when I ran a 10K race on Saturday. I stayed focused and loose, hoping to break my 10K record. Guess what? I shattered it! I ran this race 17 minutes faster than the two 10Ks I ran the month before I started this adventure. Thats more than 2.5 minutes faster per mile. I am so proud and thankful but a little ashamed that Ive started to take my progress for granted.

Part of the reason I am so humble now is probably due to the fact that Ive hit a major plateau and Im not losing weight in the same way that I was in the beginning. Disappointing, but Im back and ready to focus and see this thing through.