By Chelsea
Wow. Im actually a little emotional, with this being my last blog after following Healths Get Slim in September diet for 28 days. First, I cant believe I made it all the way through! Second, Im so glad I had you—my readers—with me for all the ups and downs.
A major up: Feeling more energetic on this plan. This was just what I needed as a crazy-busy mom of five (I work part-time at FlexJobs; I freelance write; I run my blog,; and I volunteer at an elementary school). Its been so great to not desperately need a daily nap, for once!
Before following the plan, I was losing an average of one pound a week. To lose as much as three pounds a week, which I accomplished many weeks while following the diet, was simply amazing. I love many of the recipes (my fave is the Tossed Southwestern Chef Salad!), and Ill continue to weave them into my diet. And I can definitely see myself doing the entire plan again, from start to finish, if I ever need to drop more weight. Ill also continue with the extra exercise, which Ive been enjoying, and will try to continue better monitoring my portions. And I love how many convenience foods I was able to eat while on this plan; Id like to continue having a Cedarlane frozen omelet for breakfast, a Kashi frozen meal with a side salad for lunch, a Kind mini bar as an afternoon snack, and an Amys single-serve cheese pizza as my Friday night meal. Yum.
But, alas, I cannot wait to start my mocha habit again! As a matter of fact, as you are reading this, I very likely have a mocha in hand. And if you have read all of my blogs about this diet, I have a feeling you are happy at the visual of me enjoying every last sip.
Im amazed at how quickly I was able to lose weight on this plan—I lost three pounds this past week, for a total of 9 1/2 pounds in 28 days. Thats amazing! The best part? I only have 4 more pounds (of the 72 I wanted to lose after having my twins last November) to lose, and then Ill be at my goal weight! I still remember barely being able to walk around the block months ago, but thinking that I needed to start somewhere. Never did I imagine I would get to this point: a slimmer, happier me.