Week 1: A Slimming Start


By Chelsea

Surviving Week 1 of my diet makes me feel like I deserve a marching band. Of course, that makes me think of a parade, which makes me think of cotton candy, caramel apples, corn dogs, and mochas. Yes, Im hungry. Dont get me wrong—I needed a change in my diet. Mainly, I was bored with the same old options, but I also know that I needed to clean things up a bit. Life with five kids (yes, five!) under age 7 often means mealtime is more along the lines of grab what you can, while you can. To keep it healthy takes some prep work.

As I started Health's Get Slim in September challenge this past week, I was on the go a lot. Luckily, this plan makes the work-around in these types of situations fairly easy because you can grab fast-food oatmeal (in my case, Starbucks), and I actually threw a heated tinfoil-wrapped Kashi meal into my purse one day for lunch. Being able to keep up the commitment and fit in all my exercise with my busy schedule makes me proud—and a tad surprised I was able to pull it off. In addition to the events I attend for my blog and spending time with my many, many children, I also work part-time and freelance write; this past week, I had two articles due for two different websites. Not to mention the flash mob I practiced for and participated in during the womens blogging convention, BlogHer.

Its funny, isnt it, how quickly your perception of what youre eating changes? The day before I started the diet, I headed to an event in Los Angeles that I was covering for my blog. At this party, staff walked around with Champagne on trays, and the hors d'oeuvres were like artwork—yummy, yummy artwork. Its times like this that you lose track of just how much youre eating. Case in point? Once the diet was in full swing a few days later, and I was at BlogHer, I was shocked at just how much food and alcohol I had to turn down. I do love that a glass of wine can be traded for a snack, which I cashed in on Friday night at BlogHer, but I generally love two glasses of wine Thursday through Saturday.

My hubby is joining in with me on this diet challenge, which makes keeping on track easier—plus, we can double the recipes! Another upside? On our date night this week, we went boogie boarding in the ocean at sunset instead of spending money on dinner and alcohol. Win-win. Although, I have to admit that I am struggling without my two-a-day mocha habit. Oh, mocha, I miss you so! But if you going away means the loss of the final 12 pounds of the 72 pounds I gained while pregnant with my twins (born last November), then Ill forgive you for parting ways. And wow, guess what? I lost 3 entire pounds this first week! I feel awesome.

On to Week 2. Ill keep you posted.