Learning to Balance Life on a Teetering Pendulum


The weeks are flying by these days, as Im right in the middle of the busiest season I have at work. But Im still managing to find time to get to the gym and take care of myself – even though every once in a while, much to my chagrin, Im missing volleyball games.

My trainer Dianna has been working in a lot of jumping into my workouts, so Im excited to see if it translates into my games. Ive really been enjoying my workouts lately and I feel so much stronger. Even doing something as simple as racing a buddy across the street, I can tell Im in better shape.

This past weekend, I was in Baltimore and did a much better job with balancing my meals. I had a great cup of tomato-based crab soup and a tuna burger with only half the bun (on account of it not being terribly tasty) for lunch, along with one fried pickle spear. How do you pass up a fried pickle spear? Well, you should try everything once, right? At least it was only one, and I have to admit it was pretty good. But I was more than content to let the rest of my friends finish them off.

For dinner, I had a cup of potato leek soup (yes, probably cream-based, but it was very filling) and a scallop appetizer at an Irish pub where my options ranged from Shepherds Pie and fish and chips to the pasta of the day. I say thats a win in my book! I was even going to treat myself to frozen yogurt at one of those slab ice cream places, and after waiting 20 minutes in line, I got up to the front only to discover that the machine had already been taken apart for the evening. I thought about ordering regular ice cream, but ended up walking away. Double win!

Im trying to stay on top of everything as much as possible. Work is only getting busier and I know that in the long run Im much better off if I start balancing things in my own life. Ive noticed that balance transfers over well into my work life. All I can do is keep trying my best every day, and hopefully Ill keep seeing it pay off.