Jillian Michaels: Diet Mistakes Women Make


Want to lose weight, but more importantly, to keep it off? Of course you do!

In this video, our March issue's cover model, Jillian Michaels, shares why women have such a hard time maintaining weight loss.

And The Biggest Loser trainer and author of Slim for Life is an expert who knows her stuff.

"I believe it's so difficult to maintain your weight loss because of the way women lose weight," she says. She notes that people too often choose to shed pounds with crazy diets, like the HCG diet or diets that recommend cycles of feast and famine or other questionable advice.

"This is absurd and none of it is sustainable," she says.

Watch this video to find out more about the true secrets to staying slim.

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  • Jillian Michaels’ Kick-Butt Workout Playlist
  • Jillian Michaels: Weight-Loss Tips That Work
  • Small Diet and Exercise Tricks That Get Big Results
  • Shape Up in 7 Minutes