Which Fish to Eat and Which to Skip


From Health magazineHere, our guide to which healthy catches should end up on your plate—and which are better left in the sea.

Eat it …

  • Domestic shrimp: A good source of omega-3s and light: just 21 calories per 1/4 pound. Go for U.S. wild-caught or farmed.
  • Albacore (U.S. caught) or yellowfin tuna: These are both great and safe sources of omega-3s and vitamin D.
  • Scallops: Low in calories and fat, scallops have high levels of vitamin B12, crucial for cardiovascular health.

Skip it …

  • Imported shrimp: Avoid varieties such as blue shrimp and giant tiger prawn, due to contaminants from pollution.
  • Bluefin tuna: Another fish to dodge, due to high mercury levels.
  • Swordfish: One of the highest mercury amounts. Also avoid these: king and Spanish mackerel, shark, and tilefish.