How to Make Roasted Mini-Pumpkin Bowls


Antonis AchilleosThis butternut squash and apple soup is light on calories but incredibly rich in antioxidants. Serving it in mini-roasted pumpkins makes it even more delightful. Here's how to make the pumpkin bowls.

8 (10- to 12-ounce) small pumpkins

Preheat oven to 400°F. Arrange pumpkins on a baking sheet, and roast 30–35 minutes or until tender. Allow pumpkins to cool slightly, about 20 minutes. Using a serrated knife, slice the top quarter of the pumpkin off and reserve for decoration. Scoop the seeds and a little of the soft pulp from the inside of the pumpkin, leaving a 1-inch boarder of pumpkin flesh on the inside. Set pumpkin bowls aside until ready to serve.