Week One: I'm Ready to Change My Life With the Feel Great Weight Diet


By Julie

As the first week of the feel great weight program kicked off I felt a lot of excitement, but I definitely was feeling the pressure to succeed. When I received the notice that I had been chosen as a participant I was elated—like I had won the lottery.

But as we went through the motions of the meetings, photo shoot, and phone interviews, the realization was clear that now it was time to get serious. All those good intentions I had to lose weight in the past held no accountability other than to myself. If I failed I only disappointed myself. But now I had a tribe of people counting on me to succeed. Am I really ready? You betcha.

Meeting with Marissa to go over the eating plan heightened my awareness about food. I've been a chronic snacker my whole life and portion sizes have always been a weakness to keep reigned in. The upside is that we tend to eat pretty healthy, and since I am the mom of a toddler and stepmom of a 'tween, I spend a LOT of time reading food labels.

Marissa applauded the fact that we don't have a microwave (that keeps packaged and processed foods to a minimum), and we are lucky to live just a block from our local farmer's market. But both my toddler and stepson are extremely picky eaters, so meal times are going to be a real challenge for me. And I guess I'll have to find a more healthy substitute for our pancake and bacon weekend breakfasts!

My physical assessment yielded some interesting surprises, one being the fact that I managed to do 8 full push-ups! But seeing my body fat in real numbers was startling. My trainer, Justo ,was upfront about his high expectations of me, so I have some hard (but rewarding) work ahead. At least I didn't suffer too much soreness this week. On to week two!