Week Five: New Month, New Goals


By Julie

This week got off to a good start with one cardio session out of the way and a good weigh-in with Marissa. I lost 5 lbs! I had been doubtful I would see much movement on the scale but this proves the program works AND that with a more determined resolve on my part I can do better in the coming months.

For the food portion, Marissa and I went over my food logs and set some goals for the second month. First off, try to eliminate the bagels. For years, a bagel with peanut butter has been my pre-bike ride power breakfast. No more. Marissa gave me a few healthier alternatives, such as yogurt with granola or quinoa porridge with fruit to bridge the gap until a mid-ride snack. Then some nuts or a Shot Blok can carry me through to lunch.

The other goal was to continue to whittle down the bread. Last month I held to a maximum of two pieces per day. Now we want to try for a maximum of one piece.

And lastly, since I tend to be a morning workout person, I need to make my morning snack more substantial (and evening snack lighter to compensate) to curb the hunger I feel before lunchtime.

As for the workouts: My first trainer session of the week went really well and Justo (my trainer) is pleased with my 1st month results. I'd been duly warned that when I returned from vacation he was going to turn the intensity up a few notches. But by the time we met for my pre-vacation session, my lower back was bothering me and he had to modify the "take away" plan he'd created for me so that while I'm away I can still manage the full program. And get in my cardio workouts. And do my "homework" exercises. Whew!

I reached my vacation destination without any meal deviations. I made healthy food choices for breakfast, packed my own snacks for the flight, and hit the food store upon arrival. I had even planned for an evening run but was derailed by thunder storms…so it's on the agenda for tomorrow. So here's to having a great week!