Week 9: Countdown


By Sarah

My triathlon is in 11 days!! I'm so nervous and excited. I've been running and swimming and biking for months, but it was just a few weeks ago that I started combining the two. I wrote about my first bike-plus-run, and now I've also started doing a swim-plus-bike workout. It's not as hard an adjustment as switching from biking to running, but I do get tired quickly. I think the hardest part is going to be finding the energy and strength to push myself on the run even though I will be so, so tired. I'm really hoping that these final two weeks of preparation will result in a little weight loss boost. I'm going to be putting in more training hours than ever, which will mean a temporary decline in my social life and an increased focus on my diet.

Today will be my first workout in my full triathlon outfit, and I'm going to practice putting socks and shoes on my wet feet. I've been doing research online about all the decisions I have to make. What should I eat the day before? What should I eat the morning of? How can I do my hair so that my damned swim cap doesn't slip off? Should I carry Gu? Gatorade? Peanut butter? Do I wear a hat or sunglasses? Oh my goodness, I have so many questions!