Week 17: Tough times


By Julie

Much as I hate to admit it, I had another unimpressive week. Not only did I NOT get my cardio workouts in, but I had only one training session with Justo. I am drowning in work (with no reprieve in sight) and barely managed to stumble through the week. I'm still planning my meals and snacks really well, but I am failing on the workout side.

But it wasn't a total loss. I managed to take really long walks during my lunch breaks this week—and on one particularly long work day, I took two. So that's something.

The best thing to happen this week was my monthly measurement update. Although my girth numbers were unchanged, my body fat was down over three percent! Can this really be possible? It's discouraging to step on the scale and see so little change, but so many other indicators are positive. Even with the heavy workload, my eating habits are staying in check.

Still, I just the stress is working against me … both on the scale and in my energy levels, which seem to have taken a dip. It's just so hard to relax—and that makes me nervous that my back will act up again. At least I've managed to continue to do my back stretches and exercises, no matter how busy it gets.

I keep reminding myself this workload is temporary, and that each new week is an opportunity to start fresh. And with just two months left on the program, I have some serious catching up to do.