Week 17: Cheerleaders all around me


By Dawn

The week gets off to what I think is a great start. I work out with Tehera three days and Im proud when she praises my progress (“Remember when you couldnt hold a plank for longer than 10 seconds?”). Im also actually EXCITED when a mini elliptical machine that Ive ordered arrives in the mail. My home treadmill is okay, but somewhat antiquated and frustrating to work with, so the new equipment is a welcome addition. Im psyched that I can do a different type of cardio in the comfort of my own home now, and my intention is to do it with a bit more gusto—and do it in addition to the workouts I'm able to fit in at the gym.

Although I dont personally see profound changes in my appearance, I do notice the difference in how Im beginning to feel—in my clothes, in my skin, and in my spirit. It takes me a moment to realize that the hems of several pairs of slacks are now dragging the ground. Could it be because theres somewhat less of me drawing them up around the hips, rear, and thighs?!!! I dont dare speak to anyone about this possibility because I dont want to jinx myself, but covertly, I can tell that my body is changing.

The changes are good. Once I permit myself to focus on me and the progress that Im making, I can acknowledge that Im feeling better, lighter, encouraged. I know that however long it takes me, Im really on a life-changing course from which I have no intention of deviating. And I take pride and encouragement from the fact that Im sticking with my new attitude toward nutrition and exercise; instead of considering them to be mere fads, I see them as a reflection of a lifestyle change that will deliver lasting results I cant wait to enjoy.

On the food front, I continue to struggle. Eating on time is a major hurdle, and that's a big issue. I know that my metabolism is anything but hyper, so when meals are missed or eaten late, everything is thrown off. But Im touched to learn that, as more of my friends and colleagues learn about my involvement in this program, more of them step up in very kind and unassuming ways to help me be successful. Friends at work offer to pick up lunch for me if they see that Im stuck in meetings and in danger of eating too late in the day. Bottles of my favorite seltzer water appear on my desk, in lieu of a Coke or Pepsi. People ask how things are going—and they seem genuinely interested in hearing the answer. Im still shy about sharing, but I do it anyway, and Im so touched to learn that Ive got cheerleaders all around me. I dont want to let them, or me, down, so I now have added incentive to be successful. Despite the pressure and the feeling that Im now in the center of a spotlight on one of the most personal aspects of my life, I am inspired, encouraged, and appreciative.