Walk Off Weight: The Simplest Diet Ever


We love the flexibility of this plan from Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD. It's super simple to remember, nothings off limits, and its a snap to do on the go. Just allow yourself 300 calories for breakfast, 400 for lunch, and 500 for dinner, plus two 150-calorie snacks, for a total of 1,500 calories a day. (Go to www.thecaloriecounter.com for the calorie counts of most foods.) Make it healthy and filling by working in lots of fruit, veggies, and whole grains.

Here's a sample day:

1 cup yogurt
1 cup strawberries
1 low-calorie granola bar
1 cup coffee with 1 teaspoon of sugar
294 calories

Half a turkey sandwich
1 cup garden-vegetable soup
1 cup fresh fruit
unsweetened iced tea
390 calories

Afternoon snack
15 light tortilla chips
1/2 cup salsa
146 calories

1 roasted skinless chicken breast drizzled with balsamic vinegar
8 grilled asparagus spears
2 roasted red potatoes sprinkled with 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
520 calories

Evening snack
1/2 cup light chocolate ice cream
1/4 cup raspberries
146 calories