Imperfect Balance: For Me, It is the Perfect Answer


Well, its been two months, and overall Id have to say Im really pleased with my progress. I dont just mean my actual choices, but also the way Ive approached everything. When I began this, I said I wanted to change my life. While its still a gradual process, Im definitely noticing changes. A few examples:

  • On Wednesday, I went to a friends birthday party in Queens. Technically, it isnt far, but it involves a fair amount of travel time and was going to pretty much take up my evening. Where would I fit in my workout? Well, how about a 6:30 AM Spin class? Dont mind if I do! I even enjoyed it. I got to work early, got a lot done, and enjoyed myself that night knowing Id been able to stick to what Id wanted to do for myself.
  • My work schedule isnt so strict that I cant take a little time for myself, as long as Ive got everything done. So Thursday morning, I trained with Dianna for an hour, went to Spin class for 45 minutes, and went to an hour-long Pilates class. All in a row. Crazy, right? But I felt great afterward, and while I didnt get to work out the rest of the weekend because of work, at least I ate reasonably well.

Again, its all about balance for me, so at least I feel like I have another four months to get it all right. Its never going to be ALL right, but I think I can settle for imperfect balance. Talk soon!