How This Busy Mother Stopped Snacking and Took Off 40 Pounds


Tom Rafalovich Four years ago, Bethany Hughes (now 45) was a slave to sweatpants, thinking they could hide the pounds shed packed on. A crazy-busy working mother of two, she nibbled all day and grazed off her kids plates. But in January 2005, when she hit her pregnancy weight and wasnt with child, the Houston native knew she had to make a change.

“After a good, long cry, I bought a pair of running shoes,” she says.

Over eight months, Bethany lost 20 pounds simply by jogging, eating breakfast daily, and cutting out sugar.








Total lost:


Next step: A trainer got her into a one-on-one Saturday boot camp. After shed lost another 20 pounds in six months, her friends joined the class. And when it grew Bethany quit her job and, with her trainer, co-founded a women-only boot camp. “Helping other women get in shape is my true calling,” she says.

Next Page: Bethany's weight-loss tips [ pagebreak ]Bethany's weight-loss tips:

The “three-bite” rule
By letting herself enjoy three bites of any dessert, Bethany satisfies
her sweet tooth without maxing out on calories.

Munch on these
Bethany didnt want to give up chips and other fave snacks, so she found healthy substitutes. Her favorite nibble: Seapoint Farms Dry Roasted Edamame Goji Blend.

The big burn
Every Thursday, Bethany plays basketball with close friends to mix up her workout—and blast off 400 calories!