Feel Full Longer


A smoothie can be more than just a treat. If its a "satiety smoothie," it can help you fight fat, too, by making you feel full on few calories. While the smoothies we tested delivered on their promises, any snack with a mix of protein, fiber, and healthy fat (key ingredients in most satiety drinks) will work—just stick to 200 calories or fewer. Richard Atkinson, MD, president of the American Obesity Association, gives this advice for managing hunger: "Use what works for you, whether its a glass of milk, a protein bar, or one of these drinks."

The promise: With five grams each of fiber and protein, this drink keeps you full for two to three hours, Lightfull says.

The payoff: On average, we felt full for two hours after drinking the Lightfull smoothie. Thats not bad for only 90 calories and a half-gram of fat. These are good for an on-the-go pre- or postworkout snack because theyre high in muscle-building protein.

How does it taste? Cafe Latte, with its surprisingly authentic coffee flavor, is our favorite.

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The promise: Drink one, Satiatrim claims, and feel full for four hours and eat 20 percent less than normal at your next meal.

The payoff: We felt full for three to four hours—impressive for only 50 calories. Maybe thats because 60 percent of Satiatrims calories come from three-and-a-half grams of fat (three grams of it is the heart-healthy kind, though).

How does it taste? We like chocolate best; the other flavors have a cloying aftertaste.

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How does it taste? French Vanilla is our top choice; Strawberries N Cream is supersweet.