Body Transformation: I'm Loving the New Thinner Me


Im feeling so strong, both mentally and physically, and I love it! I love how I am reacting to emotionally eating triggers by not eating(!) and redirecting the emotions to something else. I love how Jessica (my trainer) is pushing me. And I love the shopping!!

I am now a size smaller and can walk into any store and find something. My options are now open and its a great feeling. When you are a plus size, the options are so limited and sometimes sooo ugly (can we say applique?) Being able to feel good and look good is just plain fabulous!

I also feel like I am getting to that place where I am comfortable in my skin. My self-confidence is improving and I am not as stressed; I can handle more, which is always a plus with two little buggers and a husband. I feel like I am more pleasant to be around, and I hope its true!

This weeks goals

  • Get more sleep. I did it—Week Two of great sleep! Yay!
  • Plan meals: I continued to plan all meals and snacks.
  • Exercise: I did cardio for an hour six days this week. I rock!

Next weeks challenge

  • Recovering from our mini-vacation. Because of our mini-vacay this is going to be a short week at home, and for some reason I usually get messed up when that happens. I am a creature of habit: I always go food shopping on Sunday or Monday. I wont be able to do that this coming week. But I AM going to go shopping the minute I wake up on Tuesday so I can plan the week; plus, I might be able to pick up some local fruits and veggies over the weekend, which is always a great treat.