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If you didnt know better, you might think that all the energy necessary to get through the ups and downs of an average day could be found in a powder, a pill, or a suspiciously small can. If only! But heres the good news: getting—and, more important, keeping—your energy level high is a breeze. Just take a look at these expert tips and tricks on the single best way…
1. To get your first energy boost of the day: Eat a little something
Studies show that breakfast-eaters enjoy more energy and stay in a better mood throughout the day than their breakfast-skipping counterparts. But were not talking just any breakfast. “Muffins, granola, and croissants are energy zappers,” Los Angeles–based dietitian Ashley Koff, RD, says. “Theyre high in sugar, sodium, and less-healthy fats, providing carbs but rarely protein. So you get superhigh in the morning, and two hours later youre picking yourself up off the floor.” Instead, aim for an energy-balancing mix of high-quality carbs, lean protein, and healthy fats—oatmeal with a serving of almonds, an egg white omelet with a slice of avocado and a side of berries, or even last nights leftovers.
2. To have enough zing to get yourself out the door: Fake it
Slap on a smile. Apply some bright lipstick. Wear a crisp, clean outfit instead of sloggy sweats. If you fake energy until you feel it, soon enough your body will catch on, says Jonny Bowden, PhD, author of The 150 Most Effective Ways to Boost Your Energy. “The face you show to the outside world sends a message to the brain,” he says. Research suggests that simply smiling, for instance, releases endorphins and boosts serotonin, which actually lead you to feel the emotion youre projecting.
3. To turn your emotions into energy: Spin your situation
If a few hours at work has depleted your good mood, you might find yourself feeling inexplicably exhausted. A bad mood can sap your energy because it keeps your mind busy ruminating, says Kimberly Kingsley, author of The Energy Cure: How to Recharge Your Life 30 Seconds at a Time.
Substituting thoughts about what you have in your life, as opposed to whats missing, can help reverse the negative spiral. With the first sign of stress or energy drain, Kingsley suggests, ask yourself, “What was I just thinking thats causing me to be in such a funk?” Once you zero in on the problem, replace it with something thats positive and gratitude-centered—for instance, “Im grateful that I just had that argument with Sarah. It was a good reminder that I dont allow people to walk all over me.” This type of reframe will stop you from wasting a lot of energy, Kingsley says.
4. To find the energy to conquer your to-do list: Change up your daily routine
The same ol same ol is more than boring—its an energy suck. When you switch things up, the brains reward chemical, dopamine, is released, which prepares the body for action, says Gregory Berns, MD, PhD, a neuroscientist at Emory University. “The brain is constantly trying to predict the way the world works, so when you encounter something thats novel, it sees an opportunity to learn something new,” he explains. Even small changes—like taking an alternate route to work or making that morning jog an afternoon swim—can make a difference.
Next Page: 5. To stay energized during a very long meeting: Sip something cold: [ pagebreak ]
5. To stay energized during a very long meeting: Sip something cold
Anything over ice is an instant pick-me-up, but staying hydrated can also help prevent brain drain, Kingsley says. Water is an ideal drink, but for an extra boost, make it iced tea. The combo of caffeine and the amino acid theanine stimulates alpha brain waves that are associated with an alert state of mind.
boost-energy , lowers blood pressure, and improves circulation, ultimately resulting in an energy boost. The trick is to let the belly expand with each inhale, Dr. Weil says. “Over time, this improves many aspects of our physiology.”
9. To find the juice to de-clutter your surroundings: Picture a tidy space
Clutter is a great big drag on your energy—and not just because of all the stuff taking up space. “So much of what ends up as clutter are tasks that we havent finished or obligations we havent been able to meet,” says professional organizer Emily Wilska, founder of San Francisco–based The Organized Life. “Who wants to be in a space where there are constant reminders of things you should be doing or aspiring to?” Wilska suggests mind-mapping to get motivated: Clip pictures from magazines and write down snippets or words that describe your goal—“I want an organized living room so I can invite my girlfriends over for our book club.” Then post them on the fridge, the bathroom mirror, or on your computer desktop as a reminder of where youre headed.
Next Page: 10. To get revved to exercise: Create a killer playlist [ pagebreak ]
10. To get revved to exercise: Create a killer playlist
If its time for a real workout, but youre dragging, pop in those ear buds. Your favorite tunes are more than just a distraction from all the huffing and puffing—researchers have found that matching the tempo of a workout to music with a strong, fast beat can increase ones capacity for exercise by 15 percent. Choose songs with 120 to 140 beats per minute (the norm for most pop and rock songs). “I Gotta Feeling” by the Black Eyed Peas, for instance, clocks in at 128 beats per minute.
11. To avoid an afternoon energy slump: Get moving
The exercise-and-energy equation goes like this: The more active you are, the better your circulation. And the better your circulation, the easier it is for blood to transport oxygen and nutrients (fuel for the cells) to your muscles and brain. So take a walk. If you cant get outside, a trip around the office or up and down a few flights of stairs will do the trick, says Carol Espel, MS, National Senior Director of Group Fitness and Pilates at Equinox Fitness Clubs. A brisk, 10-minute walk is enough to boost your energy level for up to two hours, according to research from California State University.
Related links:
- Top 10 Energy-Boosting Nutrition Strategies
- Solving My Own Energy Crisis: Better Diet and Sleep Strategies
- 9 Secrets to Boost Your Energy
12. To boost your energy (and treat yourself): Enjoy some dark chocolate
Sugar isnt a complete no-no when it comes to energy—you just have to conquer the crash. That cookie with sprinkles will give you the rush youre looking for, but your body will burn the sugar quickly, and soon enough your energy level will take a nosedive. Dark chocolate, on the other hand, contains the stimulant theobromine, which boosts energy without the jitters that can come from caffeine. Dietitian Ashley Koffs recommendation for a crash-proof treat: choose chocolate with at least 60 percent cacao and eat it with a little protein—a dab of organic nut butter atop about 1 ounce (3 squares) of chocolate.
13. To remain sharp at the end of the day: Stay hydrated
Where dehydration goes, fatigue follows. But staying hydrated involves more than drinking lots of water. You also need potassium—the mineral that helps regulate fluid balance in the body, Koff says. Even mild dehydration can slow metabolism and sap your energy. To stay hydrated, besides drinking water and eating water-based fruits and vegetables throughout the day, aim for at least one serving of a potassium-rich food or drink—such as avocado, coconut water, banana, white potato—each day.