Super Bowl Sunday: How to Have a Healthy Game Day


Heading to a game-day bash? Don't kiss your healthy habits good-bye at kickoff. Sure, you can try to burn some extra calories by cheering hard for your favorite team, but that won't do much if you're loading your plate high with potato skins and cheesy dips—and washing it down with beer after beer.

The Super Bowl clocks in as one of the biggest calorie fests of the year for many Americans. The average football fan eats about a day's worth of calories during the game's four quarters, and the U.S. Calorie Control Council estimates that Americans pack away 11 million pounds of chips by the time the clock runs out.

A few simple swaps can keep you healthy and happy—whatever the game's outcome. From easy low-cal dips to a quick halftime workout, here's our guide to a healthy game day.