's Inside Crunch Taste-Test Results


Someone once remarked that America's favorite flavor is "crunchy." We couldn't agree more—but since not all crunches are created equal, is launching "The Inside Crunch" to help you make smarter choices at the supermarket. This week our expert panel (OK, a bunch of hungry staffers) taste-test a good-for-you cereal, a low-fat cookie, and a savory snack in search of the ultimate crunch. Let us know if you agree with our findings, want us to taste-test your favorite snacks in the future, or would like to join our testing panel. Happy munching!
Breakfast Crunch: Barbara's Bakery Ultima Organic Pomegranate Cereal
Wild Card: FoodShouldTasteGood Chocolate Tortilla Chips
Sweet Treat: Keebler Fudge Shoppe Grasshopper 100 Calorie Right Bites
Savory Snack: Michael Season's Lite Cheese Puffs