Getty ImagesIf youre a new mom with no idea how youre ever going to work your way back into your old jeans, we may have a solution for you. Fitness classes (not to mention books and DVDs) that show you how to involve your baby in your workout are cropping up across the country.
In cities from Pittsburgh to Sacramento, Calif., groups like Stroller Strides ( and StrollerFit ( combine pram-pushing power walks with frequent stops for full-body toning sessions that turn your tot, her stroller, and outdoor props like trees and park benches into fitness tools. For a more laid-back approach, try a yoga class that specializes in mom-baby poses, like New York's Baby Om (
Incorporating little Susie into your exercise routine makes you more likely to stick with it, too, notes Michelle F. Mottola, PhD, director of the R. Samuel McLaughlin Foundations Exercise and Pregnancy Laboratory at the University of Western Ontario. After all, you dont have to worry about child care; plus, you get extra bonding time. With the popularity of these classes growing as fast as your little one, nows the time to check with your local gym or yoga studio or visit one of the sites above.
Need a little extra help? Check out our Feel Great Weight meal plan, exercise program, and social network: It's fun, free, and perfect for new moms.