Want to Feel Good This Weekend? Sign Up for the March for Babies Fundraiser


Thirty-six years ago this week, my mom gave birth two months early to a two-and-a-half pound baby with undeveloped lungs.

That teeny-tiny, very sick preemie is now a horse vet in Virginia, and her survival is in no small part due to the herculean efforts of the 75-year-old March of Dimes. The group—founded by FDR—funds crucial research on how to prevent prematurity, and make sure fragile babies like my sister survive and thrive.

This weekend is the group's big fundraiser, called March for Babies. If you've been meaning to get more steps into your day, sign up to walk. (Just go to their website, plug in your zip code and find a walk near you. They're all across the country, starting this weekend, and most are 2 to 5 miles long.)

Can't make the local march? You can help by donating money, or even United miles.

We know from history that The March of Dimes puts their cash to excellent use. In 1977, my sister's kind of outcome was the exception. These days, it is the rule.

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