Amy Sedaris: My Happy-Life Moves


IstockphotoFrom Health magazine
Actress and comedian Amy Sedaris, featured in the new movie Jennifers Body, shares her very personal tricks for joy-packed days.

Being healthy means …
Never having to say youre sorry.

My ultimate late-night craving is …
To go to bed with a stomach so full that its tight.

Cupcakes are …
Prone to going stale after two days.

Youll never catch me eating …
Huevos rancheros or a breakfast burrito.

I work out because …
If I dont, Ill never leave my apartment.

At the gym, youll find me …
Making excuses for why I cant exercise that day.

The person who epitomizes real beauty is …
A rare breed.

Playing Jerri Blank—whos not conventionally attractive—in Strangers With Candy has made me …
Receive compliments that I am more attractive than Jerri Blank.

My favorite kind of book to snuggle up with is …
A tragedy, crime novel, or mystery.

The number-one rule for entertaining is …
“Go with what you know.”

My family makes me …
Realize that no matter how hard you try, you really cant reinvent yourself.

Being humorist and author David Sedariss little sister is …
A full-time job.

The best lesson my family taught me was …

I am absurdly grateful for …
My health and opportunities that come my way—and that I am only allergic to shellfish.

I spoil myself by …
Not having a cellular phone.

My happy-life motto is …
“This too will change.”