The Beauty of Makeup Sex


From Health magazine
Fighting as foreplay? Surprise! Makeup sex can actually be good for your relationship.

Q: Makeup sex is some of the best action my guy and I have. But could it be bad for our relationship?

A: Makeup sex is normal—and generally healthy, too. Not only can it be madly pas­sionate, but it can also sustain intimacy during tough times. Besides, its natural to feel turned on after an argument. In the heat of battle, adrenaline and dopamine (your hormone of desire) levels rise, giving you that excited feeling. This rush can be a good substitute for foreplay, so you can get right to it. One caveat: If it always takes a blowout to get you two connecting, then you should seriously consider talking to a couples counselor.

Q: Im pregnant, and the bigger I get the more Im afraid that sex will hurt my baby. What are the safest positions?

A: You may experience some discomfort in any position, particularly during the last trimester, so be sure to let your partner—and your doctor—know if anything doesnt feel right. But if youre having a healthy pregnancy, its safe to have sex straight through (just keep in mind that in the final month semen and contractions from orgasm can sometimes induce labor).

The woman-on-top position is great, because it takes all of the pressure off your abdomen and allows you to control the speed and the depth of thrusting. Here, two other positions to try. Missionary alternative: Lay on your back at the edge of the bed, with knees bent; have your partner enter by standing or kneeling in front of you. This will keep your partners weight off your belly. The “C” position: Both you and your partner lie on your sides, with him behind you, facing your back. This position also keeps the weight off your belly, and it results in shallow penetration. (Deep penetration can sometimes be uncomfortable in the later stages of pregnancy.)

Q: Lately, Ive noticed a little bleeding after sex. Should I be worried?

A: Some causes of vaginal bleeding after sexual inter­course, such as dryness due to menopause or irregular menstruation, are not serious and can be easily treated with topical hormone creams and/or contraceptives.

However, postcoital bleeding, even small amounts, can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition—like cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix, most often caused by an infection), an STD, uterine fibroids, or cervical cancer—so be sure to get checked by your gynecologist. And if youre experiencing vaginal bleeding and pelvic pain during or after intercourse, visit your doctor ASAP: You could have pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can cause fertility problems and is potentially life-threatening. It is the result of an infection of one or more pelvic organs, including the uterus, cervix, and fallopian tubes. PID (generally caused by untreated gonorrhea and/or chlamydia) requires prompt treatment with antibiotics.