This 20-Minute Guided Meditation Is the Stress Reliever You Need Right Now


During this stressful time of uncertainty, moments of peace can be hard to come by. While self-care and stress relief look different for everyone, meditation is a universal coping mechanism that can be done anytime, anywhere. So Health partnered with MNDFL, a New York City-based meditation studio, to bring Instagram followers a guided meditation for coping with coronavirus pandemic-related anxiety.

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On March 27, Adreanna Limbach, a MNDFL teacher, led Health Instagram followers through the 20-minute meditation. (You can watch the entire session in the video above!) Limbach starts by encouraging viewers to find a comfortable place to sit, like a cozy couch, and asks them to place their feet on the floor so they feel grounded. She asks everyone to gently close their eyes, then begins the session by taking a few deep breaths.

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Limbach asks viewers to focus on an intention and think about a reason they are choosing to meditate. She continues by having viewers acknowledge all of their senses—the sights, sounds, and textures of the room around them, to become more grounded in that space.

Limbach recommends placing one hand on the chest and one on the stomach as another way to feel grounded in the present moment. While focusing in on a meditation isn't always easy, Limbach's narration helps maintain focus.

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If you enjoyed this guided meditation and want to continue your practice, here's an optio: MNDFL recently launched MNDFL TV, which features live meditation classes taught in a variety of styles by MNDFL teachers. The brand also offers private and corporate sessions, in case you or your coworkers need a little extra relaxation throughout this time.

Limbach's meditation session is part of Health's Fit Friday Live series. Every Friday, check out a live meditation or workout on Health's Instagram story. You can also follow @healthmagazine on Instagram to take part in upcoming Fit Friday Live sessions, which will include virtual classes from CorePower Yoga, Pure Barre, and Tone It Up.

Even if you're stuck inside self-isolating for a while, you can still get the self-care you need virtually.

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