Meet Our America's Healthiest Beach and Lake Getaways Judges


Nancy Stoner is the project manager of the Natural Resources Defense Councils annual report Testing the Waters: A Guide to Water Quality at Vacation Beaches.

Janice Nolen is the assistant vice president of national policy and advocacy at the American Lung Association; she directs the organizations annual State of the Air report.

Ruth Frechman, RD, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association, owns On The Weigh, a nutrition-counseling service in Burbank, California.

Elizabeth Joy, MD, MPH, is a family-and-sports-medicine physician at the University of Utah and spokeswoman for the American College of Sports Medicines “Exercise Is Medicine” Task Force.

Lois Howes, president of the Long Island, New York Chapter of the American Society of Travel Agents, has been a vacation planner for more than 20 years; she currently works at Sterling Travel in Freeport.

Lynn Abrahamson, MPH, RN, is chairwoman of the Committee on Affiliates of the American Public Health Association and director of health for the Bristol-Burlington Health District in Connecticut.