Keep Your Colon Healthy


Do you realize that exercising regularly can cut your risk of colon cancer by as much as 40%? More than four in five Americans have no idea, according to a study from the Fox Chase Cancer Center.

Here, a few more tips to help you fight the third-leading cause of cancer deaths among women.

Quit. Women who smoke a lot hike their risk of developing colon cancer by 82%.

Up your D. People with high levels of vitamin D in their blood enjoy a 30 percent decrease in the risk of colon polyps—the precursors to cancer. Grab an extra serving of D-fortified milk (or yogurt).

Get checked sooner. A new study from Columbia University suggests that having a colonoscopy a decade earlier than usual (the average age is 50) may be worthwhile. Check with your doctor, and be sure to ask about the less-invasive virtual colonoscopy, now considered the equal of the traditional exam.