America's Healthiest Spas


After one too many days of running yourself ragged at work and at home, you daydream about it in hi-def detail—jetting off to an oasis of calm where you can catch up on sleep, pile your plate with succulent fruits and vegetables, recharge your body with hiking and yoga, and soothe your nerves with facials and massages. In other words, a spa. But some are healthier than others. And the last thing you need is a lengthy research project to pick the right one.

Thats where we come in. We put Americas destination spas through a rigorous evaluation. We rejected deprivation-and-detox boot camps as well as places where youll need extraordinary willpower to avoid gaining 10 pounds on day one. We insisted on good-for-you gourmet food, fun fitness activities, the latest skin treatments, gorgeous natural settings, plenty of guidance for living a lower-stress life, and programs that help you maintain healthy habits when you return home. While our top 10 may not be easy on the wallet, theyre the best for your body, mind, and spirit.
America's Healthiest 100 Days