Category: Savory snack
Crunch factor: Solid crunch
Taste: This toss of granola, dried cherries, nuts, and hard-to-define textures got the silent treatment from our panel—and that's a good thing. Each salty-sweet bite packed a hearty combo of pistachios, almonds, granola, and cherries. Yep, it's fatty and sweet, but our dietitian expert declared it monosaturated, so nosh away.
Overall score: 3.25 out of 5. Nothing new or exciting, but still a crowd-pleaser.
The bottom line: It is to trail mix what Valhalla chocolate is to Hershey's. With 150 calories, 8 grams of fat (only 1 gram saturated), and 3 grams of fiber per 1/4-cup serving, watch those portions if you're watching your waistline.