Foodie Friday: Metropolitan Bakery Coffee Chocolate Chip Granola


By Frances Largeman-Roth, RD

My daughter Willa is now 4 months old and while I’m absolutely enjoying motherhood, I find that I’m feeling less sprightly than I did pre-kid. On my new quest for energy-boosting snacks, I found this amazing granola. It has all the elements of a good granola: slightly sweet, a variety of morsels, and good crunch. And this one not only has dark chocolate chunks, almonds, and coconut, but also a hint of coffee. It’s enough so that it complements your morning cuppa, but not so much to make the cereal bitter.

The product: Metropolitan Bakery Coffee Chocolate Chip granola (2-oz bag, $2.25; 12-oz bag, $7.75;

The taste factor: Delish! It’s the perfect blend in my book, and it helps dress up less flavorful cereals.

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The health factor: With rolled oats listed as the first ingredient, this is truly whole grain. Plus, it’s only sweetened with honey, maple syrup, and brown sugar. And the fact that it has wheat germ in the mix means that it’s helping you meet your folic acid goal for the day.

Why we love it: It helps give you that extra morning (or afternoon) perk when you need it. Plus, you can snack on it on-the-go because the chunks are big enough. At 130 calories per ounce, it’s not a calorie bargain, but you don’t need much to feel satisfied.