Healthiest Fast Food Indulgences: Best of the Bad Foods


Dan WintersHealth magazine
Sometimes, you just gotta have what you crave. Go right ahead: These are the best of the “bad” foods, says judge Frances Largeman-Roth, RD.

Breakfast Sandwich: Au Bon Pain Scrambled Eggs, Tomato, and Spinach Wrap; 390 calories, 15 grams of fat. Its not the absolute lowest for calories and fat, but it delivers 6 grams of fiber and 18 grams of protein, plus 15 percent of your daily calcium.

French Fries: McDonalds Small Fries; 230 calories, 11 grams of fat. Even though Burger King lets you order their fries with no added salt, McDonalds still comes out lower in sodium (160 mg) and has 1 gram less saturated fat than Burger Kings value size.

Chicken Nuggets and Tenders: McDonalds 4-piece Chicken McNuggets (190 calories, 12 grams fat) or Burger King 4-piece Chicken Tenders (180 calories, 11 grams of fat). Burger King has 10 fewer calories and 1 less gram of total fat, but McDonalds is lighter on sodium. Take your pick.