5 Protein Pancake Recipes from Food and Fitness Bloggers


I love a good protein pancake for breakfast. It's a quick and easy breakfast that is both nutritious and delicious and satisfies me until lunchtime. Long story short, a protein pancake is a great way to start the day!

I have a bunch of recipes for protein pancakes that I make time and time again, but I wanted to mix it up a little, so I asked some of my blog buddies for their favorite recipes. All of them sound delicious and the extra protein and whole ingredients are guaranteed to start your day off on a healthy note!

Perfect Protein Pancake
From The Fitnessista

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banana-protein-pancakes-005.jpg banana-protein-pancakes-005.jpg and pancakes, this recipe is the best of both worlds! It tastes indulgent but it's healthy and filling, too!

Protein-Packed Flour-Free Breakfast Pancake
From Fannetastic Food

flour-free-protein-pancake.jpg flour-free-protein-pancake.jpg .
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