Get a slimmer silhouette with Kneeling Side Circles, an easy toning move for your thighs from the Pilates Weight Loss for Beginners DVD ($14.99) by Brooke Siler, owner of re:AB Pilates in New York City. You should see results (so long, saddlebags!) in just three weeks.
- Start in a kneeling position, and tip your torso to the left (top right). Place your left palm or fingertips on the floor and your right hand behind your head; extend your right leg out to the side. (Place a pad under your kneecap if this causes knee pain.)
- Lift your right leg, and begin making small circles, gradually increasing to larger, sweeping circles (bottom right). Do 8 forward circles, and then 8 backward circles. Be sure your hip is directly over your kneeling knee and your tailbone is curled forward.
- Switch sides, and repeat the whole exercise, making forward and backward circles with your left leg to complete 1 repetition; do 1 rep 3 days a week.