Shay Mitchell's Instagram Workout Video Is Totally Insane


From making show-stopping red carpet appearances to traveling the world, Pretty Little Liars star Shay Mitchell knows a thing or two about high impact training with a busy schedule.

The Canadian actress took to Instagram to give fans a look at her intense fitness routine with her trainer, "J" (@j.crvz on Instagram). The crazy-hard workout has scored 2 million views and counting, and 5,400 commenters are feeling the motivation.

The fierce fitness clip kicks off with Shay balancing on a stability ball while doing battle rope up-down waves—and that’s just the beginning of her hardcore training. All of her exercises combine multiple strength moves, with many moves working every major muscle group in one rep.

Want to ramp up your workout with full-body strength exercises like Shay’s? Here's a list of every move she does in the video:

  1. Battle-rope up-downs on a stability ball
  2. Elevated burpees
  3. Standing leg press
  4. Stability ball push-up hold with crunch and rows
  5. Bosu ball single-leg deadlift with overhead press
  6. Cable machine mountain climbers

No gym? Here’s a full-body workout you can do at home

Shay's workout is ridiculously hard, and you need a gym to be able to complete it—not to mention she's under careful watch of a personal trainer. So if you're feeling inspired to work out but want to try something a little less intimidating, check out this full-body workout from celebrity trainer Jen Widerstrom. Like Shay's routine, Widerstrom's combines moves into supersets, ensuring a total-body burn that blasts calories—but all you need is a set of dumbbells.