This Full-Body Resistance Band Workout Only Takes 15 Minutes


The mini resistance band doesn’t get nearly enough credit. But this small, portable piece of elastic is mightier than you think, providing external tension on your muscles to make them (and you!) work harder. And according to Le Sweat founder Charlee Atkins, who designed this six-move circuit, it’s not only great for total-body toning but it “also adds more variety to workouts than traditional bodyweight exercises provide.” Bonus: It’s beginner-friendly, too!

1. Do each exercise for 40 seconds back-to-back without rest.

2. Complete 3 total sets, resting for 60 seconds between each.

3. Aim to do the circuit 3–5 times a week

RELATED: This 20-Minute Resistance Band Butt Workout Will Seriously Work Your Glutes

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