6 Ways to Get Hooked on Exercising


We all know how important exercising is for our health, but for some of us, maintaining a consistent fitness routine can be elusive. One key to staying consistent with exercising is finding an activity that you enjoy (and don't dread), so search for something that gets you excited. Watch the video for the other easy ways that you can stay motivated.

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Get up earlier: People who exercise in the morning are more likely to stick with their workout.

Find your niche: Find the fitness activity that makes you tune out and escape the daily grind. The more fun it feels, the more likely you'll keep at it. If you try a class and don't like it, get out there and try something different.

Make it convenient: Get a gym close to home or the office. Prepare beforehand—pack clothes and shower supplies.

Pay for it: Invest in a personal trainer, a new pair of running shoes, or a GPS watch. You'll work harder to get your money's worth.

Make a schedule: You're three times more likely to exercise when you plan ahead.

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Plan a fitness-focused vacation: Combine a vacation and your fitness goal. Try a bike tour or go for a hike.