6 Exercises To Get A Bigger Butt


If you're in search of a butt that rivals Jennifer Lopez's, you might have to manage your expectations a bit—a killer behind like that is thanks, in large part, to genetics. Still, that doesn't mean you can't work toward the best (and biggest) your own special butt can be.

And while how your backside looks in jeans might be your number one reason for doing more squats at the gym, it shouldn't be your only motivation—a stronger butt has some serious health perks, as well, says Quianna Camper, CPT, a trainer with RSP Nutrition. "Stronger glute muscles can help reduce the risk of injury, boost your metabolism, improve your athletic performance, and give the appearance of a lifted, rounder bum," says Camper.

Also important: Butt building moves don't just result in glutes gains. “You can do exercises that primarily target the glute muscles,” says Camper. “But the movements you should do for stronger glutes are multi-joint, multi-muscle movements that are also going to strengthen your whole body.” That’s because all the muscles in the body work together—which means a more toned butt can mean gains for your entire body, too.

So, now that you're convinced that you need to start working your glutes more, how do you do it? Here, Camper shares six key exercises to get a bigger butt and stronger glutes. You'll want to add these to your workout routine ASAP.

1. Glute Bridge

weighted-bridge weighted-bridge

2. Jump squats

jumping-squat jumping-squat

5. Hip Thrust

weighted-hip-thrust weighted-hip-thrust