3 Moves You May Be Getting Wrong at the Gym—Plus, How to Fix Them


We’ll admit it: Sometimes a basic squat or plank just doesn’t cut it. Well, we’ve done the homework for you and have three moves that will help improve posture, build strength, and work your core. High fives all around. Whether you’re not entirely sure that you’ve been doing these exercises correctly (*slow hand raise*), or you want to add more variety to beef up your gym circuit, we’ve got you covered.

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In these side-by-side videos, social media star and fitness professional Emily Skye, on behalf of Good American, demonstrates how to master the kettlebell swing, kettlebell deadlift, and stability ball plank with just a few easy modifications. The kettlebell swing and deadlift are both explosive moves that will shock your muscles, while the stability ball plank raises the intensity and adds more of a challenge to your fairly simple (read: boring) plank.

Check out Skye’s quick fixes below:

Kettlebell swing

The fix: Pull your shoulders back and hinge at the hips.

Kettlebell deadlift

The fix: Keep your chest up and back flat. Hinge at the hips.

Stability ball plank

The fix: Bring your spine into alignment, and engage your core.