Yoga Isn't Just for Thin People—And This Inspiring Instagram Star Proves It


Ever bailed on going to a yoga session because you were afraid your body wasn’t slim enough to pull off downward dog? The stereotypical yoga person may be slender, but this body positive Instagrammer demolishes the idea that only thin people are good at getting bendy.

Dolly Singh, 34, is a Mumbai-based yogi whose Instagram feed is all the inspo you need to roll out your mat no matter what your BMI is. The difference between her and the other Insta-famous yoga influencers? Singh is plus-sized. Yet that hasn't stopped her from mastering some impressively complex moves.

Singh got into yoga three years ago when she was advised to lose weight after an ankle injury. After getting bored with running, she signed up for a yoga class—and was instantly hooked.

Scroll through her Instagram account to see her progress. Each photo features Singh twisting and turning in all sorts of beautiful contortions. From crow pose to headstands, she looks strong and powerful, all while flaunting her figure in brightly colored leggings and sports bras.

"I'm not aiming to have this thin figure,” Singh told international news agency AFP. “ But I am aiming to have a beautiful flow and make my body strong through yoga.”