Boost Your Bottom Line


If your butt and thighs have room for improvement (and whose dont?), youre in luck: Instructor Taj Harriss butt-blasting, thigh-toning workout—based on her Rock Bottom class at Crunch New York—will give you great results fast. Do this 15-minute routine two to three times a week, and your bottom half will look better in just three weeks.

20826578 20826578 . Gently lower your butt to the mat, then repeat. Do 15 reps with your right leg, then switch sides; thats 1 set. Do 3 sets, resting 30 seconds between sets.

Trainer tip: To keep the pressure off your knee, keep your lifted foot flexed, pulling toes toward your knee.

best-body-2a-225 best-body-2a-225 to lift it to hip height.

B. Keeping your left leg straight, gently swing it forward and tap the ground in front of you with your foot. Then swing it backward and tap the ground behind you to complete 1 rep. Do 30 reps with your left leg, then switch sides and do 30 reps with your right leg; thats 1 set. Do 3 sets.

Trainer tip: Keep your movement controlled, trying not to rock back and forth as you move your leg.

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3-Point Stance
Standing with feet together and both knees slightly bent, lean over from your hips and place your fingertips on the ground in front of you. Shift your weight to your right leg and extend your left leg behind you to hip height, toes pointed down. Lift your left leg slightly higher, then raise your torso and lower your leg, tapping your left toe on the ground just behind your right foot. Do 20 reps with your left leg, then switch sides and repeat with your right leg; thats 1 set. Do 3 sets, resting 30 seconds between sets.

Trainer tip: If you have trouble touching the ground, do the move in front of a step or yoga block so you dont have to bend over as far.