This Woman Gave Birth in an ER Hallway—and a Photographer Captured the Entire Thing


Even after five previous deliveries, one Kansas mom was unprepared for how her sixth would go down.

Jes Hogan described her infant son's birth story in a now-viral video, which shows Hogan welcoming her first son and sixth child into the world…on the hospital floor.

"The pain wasn’t troubling me too badly, I kept telling myself I would just ‘know’ if this was the real thing,” Hogan wrote in a post on professional photographer Tammy Karin’s site. “About 1 hour later I woke to a strange, long contraction. It wasn’t incredibly painful, but it caused me enough discomfort that I felt around in the dark for my husband and said ‘Travis, I think this is it.’”

As they headed into the hospital, Hogan fired off a quick text to Karin, founder of Little Leapling Photography. While many of Karin’s photo sessions document the intimate moments of childbirth, what happened in this situation was extraordinary.

In the appropriately titled video, “Baby Boy Just Couldn’t Wait!” Hogan gives birth mere moments after making it into the emergency room.

“It was my craziest birth, but also, the most perfect,” Hogan wrote. “It was not at all what I had planned, but it ended without any intervention, with a healthy baby, and amazing support people by our sides. It was beautiful and I’ll forever love every memory of it.”

That healthy baby is Maxwell Alexander, who Hogan described as the family’s “last baby.” He was warmly received by his five older sisters and overjoyed parents.

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Just over a day after the full video was released on Facebook, the post garnered more than 110,000 views and 1,200 shares. Many viewers sent well wishes, and others took time to share their own birth experiences. Max became an overnight internet star, but he took time to say hi to his first paparazzi.

“You guys!!! I got to snuggle with a celebrity today! This is THE Max Hogan!” Karin captioned a selfie she took with the six-month-old. “Isn’t he a heartthrob?”