Best Mom Ever Flies Across the Country After Her Daughter Said She Had a Headache


Moms are superheroes who don’t bother wearing flashy capes. Especially Grace Li’s mom, who flew to visit her… after she texted that she wasn’t feeling well. The 22-year-old New York-based writer shared what went down in an adorably relatable (and now viral) tweet. Here's what their conversation looked like:

“Me on the phone with my mom last night: I'm sick

Her: Ok I can catch the next flight

Me: Is that a joke


Li’s “today” was a photo of the mother-daughter duo posing on the street together. And people are loving the heartwarming mom moment.

According to her subsequent tweets, Li's mom didn’t arrive empty-handed. She came with a game plan: Her remedy for Li’s “stabby head pain” was soup and a trip to her doctor pal.

Twitter hearts were melting, tears were flowing, similar supermom stories were shared, and Li was left with food for the rest of the week.

Too sweet for words–and will probably inspire moms everywhere to check out affordable airfare–but just in case Li suffers another headache, we have a few surprising ways to take care of the pain, like massage, meditation, or yoga.