Healthiest Schools: Healthy Ideas for Your School


From Health magazine

Lessons from the garden
Creekside Elementary, Colorado
On Wednesdays, students enjoy lunch made, in part, with food from the school's own organic garden—and it's a zero-waste affair: Everything from food scraps to dishes is reused or recycled.

Fitness all day long
Brader Elementary, Delaware
This school keeps active, from a.m. three-minute exercise routines to cycling on stationary bikes in the library and common learning areas.

Healthier rewards
Alma Schrader Elementary, Missouri
Citizenship awards aren't a donut or pizza anymore at this school. Instead chosen kids eat a healthy lunch at tables dressed up with china, cloth linens, and stemware.

Walking the walk
Coopers Elementary, North Carolina
Kids who walk at least a mile a day can win parties and T-shirts. Last year 650 of the school's 661 students walked 125 miles.

Healthy homework
Burlington-Des Lacs Elementary, North Dakota
Healthy habits go home with kids in activity bags containing CDs and portable exercise equipment.

PE made extra fun
Blackstone Academy, Rhode Island
This charter high school taps local resources, including a rock climbing gym and nearby nature trails.

Make your own school healthier
Check out the following organizations that promote healthy practices in schools nationwide.

Healthy Schools Campaign, Chicago IL
Advocates clean environments and green building practices in schools, and partners with American School & University magazine to award stand-out schools each year with the Green Cleaning Award for Schools and Universities.

Healthy Schools Network, Washington DC
Builds coalitions and fights for new education, health, and environmental policies to protect children.

Coalition for Healthier Schools, Washington, DC
A coalition of 200 organizations coordinated by the Healthy Schools Network to provide a forum and platform for school environmental health.

Alliance for a Healthier Generation, New York, NY
A partnership between the American Heart Association and the William J. Clinton Foundation working to stop childhood obesity and inspire kids to develop lifelong healthy habits.

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Washington, DC
Recognizes food service professionals who are improving the healthfulness of school lunches with its annual Golden Carrot Awards.

Collaborative for High Performance Schools, San Francisco, CA
Facilitates the design and construction of energy- and resource-efficient schools in an effort to increase student performance while protecting the environment.

American School Health Association, Kent, Ohio
Supports coordinated school health programs and provides professional development opportunities for school administrators and health educators.

Action for Healthy Kids, Chicago, IL
Addresses the childhood obesity epidemic by working with volunteer teams nationwide to improve nutrition and increase physical activity in schools through programs like Game On! The Ultimate Wellness Challenge and ReCharge! Energizing After-school.

School Nutrition Association, Alexandria, VA
Works to ensure that all children have access to healthful school meals and nutrition education by providing its members with education and training and setting standards through certification.

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