3 Powerful Lessons You Can Learn From Centenarians


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Bring on the water works. Between 109-year-old Holocaust survivor Alice Herz-Sommer reminding us to 'look for the beauty in life' and 101 year old Fauja Singh of India just completing his last race in Hong Kong, this sentimental girl is shedding some happy tears.

With so much devastation and sadness in this world, it can be extremely difficult to remember the beauty and strength of the human spirit.

But so many people are surviving and thriving in such adversity, and we should remind ourselves that we are stronger than we realize.

Singh started running at 89–yes, 89–years old, after the trauma of witnessing his son's death left him in a devastating depression. He wanted to climb out of his darkness. He wanted a reason to live.

Well he didn't just live–he also became the first centenarian to complete a marathon in 2011. Wow.

And when oldest living Holocaust survivor Alice Herz-Sommer was asked how she feels so good at her age, she barely paused before responding. "Optimism–and looking for the good."

Sometimes the most powerful messages are also the most simple.


  1. Age is truly just a number
  2. Life is beautiful
  3. If something makes you happy, you'll do it well

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