Apolo Anton Ohno's Motto for the 2010 Winter Olympics


Apolo Anton Ohno is a top American speed skater and five-time Olympic medalist. He is currently a spokesperson for Vicks DayQuil & Vicks NyQuil, training for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, and blogging for Health.com.

With the Olympic Winter Games just weeks away, the final stage of my training is coming to an end. I am focusing on recovery, getting mentally prepared, and fine-tuning my technique. One tradition I have before every competition is I always put my left skate on before my right. Maybe its superstition or just part of the mind-set, but this simple task prepares me for my event.

I'm also focusing on getting plenty of rest, which is great for me mentally and physically. I can feel my energy levels rise, even thought part of it is probably adrenaline. I always get excited leading up to big competitions.

Want to know what my favorite thing about the Olympic Winter Games is? Everything! I am 100% in my zone and ready to make my fans, the U.S., and myself proud. But this year is really special for me because Im competing close to home, which means there will be a ton of fans. I love hearing all the fans cheering for me and Team USA, and its a great feeling to see all the pride everyone has in their country and its athletes.

The only downside to the Olympic Winter Games being so soon is that it will be over just like that. Before we know it people will be talking about the 2014 Olympic Winter Games. So Im doing everything I can to compete at my highest level and take it all in. My personal motto is enjoy the moment. Though my plans for after the Olympic Winter Games are still up in the air, Ill definitely keep skating. Fitness is so important and being healthy is a big part of who I am. I'm interested in the entertainment industry and L.A. fascinates me, but for now, my mind is on skating. Speaking of, Im off to the rink—have a good day!

Stay warm, stay healthy, and stay active! Go USA!


Get more up to date details on Apolo's training by following him on Twitter.