Libby Sentz


(LIBBY SENTZ)Libby Sentz, 35, is a writer, editor, and dancer who is desperate to break up with the most abusive love of her life: the Marlboro Man. She lives in Brooklyn, N.Y., with her husband, two cats, and three roommates.

Read all posts:
Breathing Fire, Not Smoke (August 22, 2008)
Quitting Smoking Gave Me Hips (August 8, 2008)
Sparring With My Smoking Triggers (August 1, 2008)
Catching My Breath After Years of Running on Smoke (July 25, 2008)
Thank You, Wise Ex-Smokers, et al (July 17, 2008)
Can I Walk and Not Smoke at the Same Time? (July 15, 2008)
Dare Me to Quit (July 9, 2008)