Madonna is reminding us all of just how amazing she looks. On Sunday, the icon posted three selfies to her Instagram, showing herself posing in black lingerie. And yes, *checks notes* she's 62.
As you might expect, some people weren't as impressed. One person wrote, "Aren't we a little old for this?" While Madonna didn't respond to the comment, we can guess what she might say to people who have similar thoughts.
Madonna has been a long-time proponent of celebrating the body that she's worked hard for. As far back as a 2015 interview with the Daily News, Madonna explained why she shows off her body: "This is what my ass looks like—show me what your ass looks like when you're 56. I take care of myself. I'm in good shape. I can show my ass when I'm 56, or 66—or 76. Who's to say when I can show my ass? It's sexism. It's ageism. And it's kind of discrimination."
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And here's how hard Madonna works to maintain her toned body. In a "perfect week," Madonna will work out six days, her personal trainer, Craig Smith, recently told People. With a focus on bodyweight training, Madonna also "utilizes dance to tone the entire body, plus a mix of asana yoga, Bar Method, and a lot of hybrid Pilates programs to give that nice, sleek look to her arms."
The constant mix of workouts is how her body never hits a plateau. "It's always in a guesswork state. Her body is always changing in a positive way," explained Smith, who also pointed out the "recovery time is just as important as the workout time."
So yes, she works hard and is showing off the results—as one commenter put it, it's classic "Madonna being Madonna."
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