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Woman and man planking

Woman and man planking

Cecilie_Arcus / Getty Images

Calisthenics is a form of resistance training that uses the weight of your body along with gravity to help strengthen your muscles, increase your endurance, and improve your mobility. Exercises range from simple movements that do not require any equipment to more intense moves like a pull-up or a burpee, as well as common exercises like push-ups, lunges, squats, and crunches. Some people even consider gymnastics a form of calisthenics.

Because these exercises easily fit into almost any training style or exercise regimen, they are ideal for beginners as well as advanced exercise enthusiasts. Overall, calisthenics is an excellent way to work out that is accessible to people of all ages and fitness levels. Here is what you need to know about the benefits of calisthenics as well as how to get started.

The Benefits of Calisthenics

Calisthenics is a great way to build functional strength and improve your fitness level—no matter your current fitness level or experience. This form of resistance training has a number of health benefits, too. Here are some of the more notable advantages of incorporating calisthenics into your workout.

Increases Strength

Calisthenics consistently boosts muscle strength through movement. A small study of 28 men found that calisthenics can improve strength in a relatively short period of time. After eight weeks of calisthenics, participants increased the number of push-ups and pull-ups they were able to do even though their workouts did not include these specific exercises. Meanwhile, those studied who did not do calisthenics did not see the same improvements.

Improves Fitness Levels

Consistent use of calisthenics in your workout routine may lead to improved cardiovascular health, including increased endurance and a healthier heart. Research shows that you improve your fitness levels when doing high-intensity movements like burpees or mountain climbers. In fact, researchers have found fast-paced calisthenics to be equivalent to running on the treadmill or doing intervals on a track.  

Helps With Weight Management

Calisthenics can help reduce body fat while maintaining or increasing muscle mass. Additionally, calisthenics tend to be more aerobic in nature, which may help with weight loss as well.

Improves Posture

The movements required to perform calisthenics stretch and strengthen your muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Regularly incorporating these exercises into your workout plan can not only help improve your balance and flexibility, but also improve your posture.

Researchers also have noted that short bursts of calisthenics can be particularly useful for beginners who previously were more sedentary. In fact, they found that breaking up sedentary time with calisthenics may be an effective way to increase steadiness and dynamic balance, which is particularly important as you age.

Boosts Mood and Wellbeing

While exercise can boost your mood, reduce your stress, and improve your overall sense of well-being, calisthenics may offer additional benefits for your mental health. For instance, research has shown that calisthenics may reduce cognitive decline and could be useful for dementia prevention. Calisthenics may even be useful for improving mood in those with certain diseases like multiple sclerosis or ankylosing spondylitis.

How to Start Calisthenics

If you want to start doing calisthenics, it is important to have a plan in place. To start, determine when you want to workout and where you are going to do it. It also can be helpful to schedule your workouts just like you would a meeting or a date. This way, you will be more likely to prioritize your workout and stick to it.

You should plan what moves you are going to do and for how long. If you are having trouble coming up with a plan, it can be helpful to work with a certified personal trainer or find a video or tutorial online. Just make sure it fits your fitness level and is something you would enjoy doing.

If you are looking for ideas on what exercises to incorporate into your workout plan, here are some popular calisthenics that you may want to try.

Push Ups

  1. Lie flat on the floor with your face toward the floor.
  2. Place your hands a little wider than shoulder width.
  3. Push straight up until your arms are fully extended, while keeping your core tight and your back straight.
  4. Lower yourself to the ground and then repeat the motion.
  5. Perform three to five sets of 10 to 20 repetitions, if you can. (It is OK to change how many reps you do if you need and work up to 20 reps.)

You can modify this move by putting your knees on the ground, or by doing the push ups standing and using a wall to "push up" rather than the floor. 


  1. Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart.
  2. Lower your hips to about 90 degrees while trying to keep your body upright.
  3. Return to standing position and repeat.
  4. Perform three to five sets of 10 to 20 repetitions, if you can. (It is OK to change how many reps you do if you need and work up to 20 reps.)

You can modify this move if you want by using a chair. Slowly sit down and then rise again.


  1. Begin in the "up" position of a push-up and hold your body still.
  2. Keep your core tight for 30 seconds.
  3. Do this exercise in between other exercises for three to five reps.
  4. Work toward a plank hold of 60 to 90 seconds and repeat a few times.


  1. Stand in a split stance with one foot roughly two to three feet in front of the other foot.
  2. Keep your torso straight, your shoulders back, and your hands on your hips. 
  3. Bend your knees and lower your body until the back knee is a few inches from the floor. 
  4. Make sure your weight is evenly distributed between both legs.
  5. Push back up to the starting position, keeping your weight on the heel of the front foot.
  6. Perform three to five sets of 10 to 20 repetitions, if you can.


  1. Stand with your feet about hip-width apart and your arms at your sides. 
  2. Bend down and place your palms on the floor in front of your feet. 
  3. Jump your feet out behind you to assume the high-plank position. 
  4. Keep your core tight and spine straight. 
  5. Perform a push-up. 
  6. Make sure your hips don’t sag and keep your back from arching. 
  7. Jump your feet outside of your hands for a squat. 
  8. Stand up and jump stretching your arms above your head. 
  9. Land with your knees bent to absorb the impact. 

You can modify burpees move by eliminating the push-up portion. This alternative is good for people with the endurance to do burpees but not the strength to perform push-ups yet.

Tips for Beginners

Here are some tips to help you get started if you are new to calisthenics.

  • Set clear and attainable fitness goals
  • Be sure to warm up and cool down
  • Pay attention to your form and seek guidance, if needed

A 30-Day Bodyweight Challenge To Tone and Tighten Your Entire Body

Who It's For

Calisthenics is ideal for both the beginner and the experienced exercise enthusiast who want to work out without needing equipment. Because most of these exercises rely on your body weight for resistance, you can perform these movements in short intervals in any small space.

Keep in mind, too, that calisthenics activate multiple muscle groups and involve a lot of movement. While these characteristics encourage improvement in your mobility and increase your heart function, they also can pose some risks if you have stability issues, certain medical conditions, or joint inflammation. But if done properly—and with a healthcare provider’s consent—calisthenics is an ideal full-body workout that can be done by anyone.

A Quick Review

Calisthenics is a type of resistance training that uses your body weight and gravity to help you build strength and endurance. Calisthenics has many health benefits and can improve your fitness level, boost your mood, better your posture, and help with weight management. If you are interested in incorporating calisthenics workouts into your exercise plan, it is important to start small and focus on consistency. You also should set attainable goals, prioritize your workouts, and ensure you are using the proper form. If you are unsure how to make a plan or how to do certain moves, working with a personal trainer can be helpful.

This Personal Trainer-Approved Weekly Workout Schedule Balances Strength, Cardio, and Rest Days

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Lower Back Stretches to Relieve Back Pain, According to Experts Fri, 16 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000

Lower back stretches

Lower back stretches

JackF / Getty Images

If simple things like twisting to reach for your phone, or a sneeze, trigger pain in your lower back, it may be time to practice lower back stretches that target and relieve tension here. Whether it’s an ongoing injury or a temporary setback, it’s best to address lower back pain (also known as lumbar pain) as early as possible.

As many as 23% of adults globally experience chronic lower back pain, which can stem from mechanical issues (disc and soft tissue injuries), degenerative problems (like osteoarthritis), inflammation, oncology (cancer-related), or infections like soft tissue abscesses. 

Another major cause of lower back pain occurs during pregnancy, where a myriad of hormones, musculoskeletal and body mass shifts leave around 50% of people lingering with lower back pain even one year postpartum.

The lower back is comprised of five vertebrae, a network of nerves, discs, muscles and other tissues. Tightness in other areas such as the hamstrings and hip flexors are common culprits, and can interfere with fluid motion of the spine and therefore your mobility. 

Thankfully, stretching can help you regain your range of motion, making everyday tasks such as climbing stairs and lifting objects less bothersome.

Here are 10 gentle stretches for the lower back. You will need a cushioned yoga mat and a sturdy chair.


Cat-Cow (sometimes called cat-camel) is a dynamic, yet soothing, yoga stretch that incorporates two movements. Its key function is to lengthen and improve the spine’s flexibility. It also promotes excellent posture and brings awareness to major muscles, including those of your core.

  1. Start on all fours with your wrists aligned to shoulders and knees to hips—knees hip-width apart. Toes are untucked.
  2. To begin, keep a neutral spine and gaze looking forward. 
  3. On an inhale, transition to cow pose by dipping your stomach toward the ground, raising your chin up and looking to the ceiling. Relax your shoulders back and down. 
  4. On an exhale, move into cat pose by scooping your belly to your spine, curving your spine and tucking your chin toward your chest. Push your hands into the mat to feel the full stretch.
  5. Flow between positions for one minute. 

Child's Pose

Known as Balasana (‘bala’ means child and ‘sana’ means posture in Sanskrit), Child’s Pose is also a popular stretch in Pilates and yoga and a welcome pause during a tough workout. This stretch is also great at elongating the lower back muscles and opening the hips. This can reduce stress and back pain, as well as bloating.

  1. Start kneeling tall, with knees hip-width apart and palms resting on your thighs. 
  2. Forward bend and reach your arms forward as you sit your glutes back on your heels, toes touching and knees spread. 
  3. As you exhale, push your glutes back to rest on your heels as you lower your upper body toward the mat. 
  4. Stretch your arms long and forward with palms facing down. 
  5. Rest your head on the mat as you press your chest further toward the ground to deepen the stretch. Hold for 30-60 seconds, taking deep breaths.

Knee-To-Chest Stretch

This stretch loosens and lengthens tight muscles in the lower back, your erector spinae and glutes. Be extra cautious if you suffer from a slipped disc or osteoarthritis as this positioning can aggravate the pain further. The knee-to-chest stretch is a simple, yet effective stretch to quickly relieve tension caused by tight muscles in the lower back. 

  1. Lie on your back and bend your knees, feet flat on the floor. 
  2. Bend your right leg toward your chest and interlace both hands just under your knee. Pull your leg toward your torso, relaxing your lower body on the mat. You can keep your other leg bent or straight, as long as your back doesn't hurt. If it hurts, try bending your leg to keep your spine neutral on the floor.
  3. Hold for 30 seconds while taking deep breaths and return to the leg back before switching to the other. Repeat three times on each leg.

Supine Spinal Twist

As the name suggests, this exercise involves a gentle twisting motion to relieve tension in the spine and lower back regions. Twisting motions are also a massage for your internal organs, which can relieve constipation and improve digestion.

  1. Lie face up on the mat, legs stretched long and arms lengthened out in a T-shape with palms facing down.
  2. Gently activate your core by pulling your belly towards your spine. At the same time, bend your left knee and on an exhale, pull it over your right leg as you twist your spine. 
  3. Rest your left knee on the floor in front of your right leg, gently pushing down on the knee with your right hand. Keep your gaze toward your left hand to deepen the twist and stretch. 
  4. Hold for five long breaths and slowly rotate back to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. 

Pelvic Tilt

Lower back pain can cause a postural shift, often with your pelvis tilting forward and lordosis (a more prominent curve) of the spine. Pelvic tilts can rectify the mechanics by firing up the core to improve stabilization in this area, which can reduce strain on the lower back.

  1. Lie on your back, with knees bent and feet on the mat.
  2. Scoop your belly button in and press your lower back into the mat, before tilting your pelvis back and holding for a second or two.
  3. Inhale and rotate the pelvis forward, feeling the movement in your lower back.
  4. Continue for one minute for three rounds.

Shoulder Bridge

The shoulder bridge stretch is a take on a classical Pilates exercise that mobilizes the spine and lengthens the muscles along the back to help alleviate tightness and tension. 

  1. Lie on your back and bend your knees with feet planted on the mat. Arms are straight and resting by your side. 
  2. As you start the movement, inhale and press your lower back into the mat, before exhaling and raising your hips up, pushing through your hips. 
  3. At the top of the movement squeeze your glutes and check your hips are above your ribs in a straight line. 
  4. Hold for a second or two before lowering back down, starting from the top of your spine and rolling the vertebrae back down like a bicycle chain reconnecting.
  5. Repeat 10 times for two-three rounds. 

Standing Roll-Down

The standing roll-down opens the space between each vertebra across the entire spine to relieve tightness and also reset your posture and kick-start those core muscles for better stability across your entire body.

You can practice this exercise next to a wall for added support throughout the movement.

  1. Stand with your heels against the wall and then take around a half-foot step forward. 
  2. Scoop your belly and keep your core braced. Rest your shoulders down, letting your arms hang by your sides.
  3. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, tuck your chin toward your chest and begin to roll the body down from the neck first, one vertebra at a time. 
  4. Your head, neck and shoulders will continue to round forward as you curve the spine.
  5. Lower as far as you can without straining your hamstrings. You can also bend your knees as your hands brush the floor.
  6. On an exhale, rewind from the ground up by re-stacking your spine, vertebrae by vertebrae, using your abdominal muscles to help bring you back up to standing, resting your shoulders down. 
  7. Continue for 6-10 roll-downs.

Figure Four

Tight hips can cause your pelvis to rotate forward, leading to lower back pain. The figure four stretch encourages your hips to open and massages your lower back as it rests on the mat. You should feel this stretch in your glutes, too.

  1. Lie on your mat face up with bent knees and feet flat, hands resting by your side.
  2. Lift your right leg and, keeping a bend at the knee, cross and rest your foot over your left knee. 
  3. Clasp both hands behind your left knee and pull that leg toward your body, keeping the feet flexed and your head and shoulder relaxed on the mat. You will feel a stretch along your right hip.
  4. Hold for 20-30 seconds and breathe deeply, before returning the leg back and switching sides. 

Seated Fold

A seated fold is a popular yoga pose in which your body forward folds onto itself, stretching your whole back as well as loosening your hamstrings and hips. 

  1. Sit tall on your mat with legs straight in front and feet actively flexed. 
  2. On an exhale, lean forward by hinging at your hips, reaching your arms long in front. Make sure you stretch rather than collapse your back. 
  3. Reach your hands as far as you comfortably can along your legs and lower your head toward your lower body. 
  4. You can bend your knees if you need to, for further reach. You can also loop a light resistance band or yoga strap around your feet and grab a side in each hand to gently pull yourself deeper into the stretch. 
  5. Hold for 30 seconds for three rounds.

Seated Nerve Flossing

Your lower back will feel the pinch if sciatica or a herniated disc is at the root of your problem. Caused by compression on the sciatic nerve, sciatica pain radiates along the lower back and often down the leg, into your foot. If a flare-up is causing tension and pain, nerve flossing will stretch localized muscles to bring about relief, however, you will likely feel some mild pain with this stretch. If the pain is intolerable, you shouldn’t do this stretch.

  1. Start sitting tall in a chair. On an exhale, tuck your chin into your chest and slump over from below your chest.
  2. Bring your arms to rest behind your back.
  3. Straighten your right leg with your foot flexed and raise it up toward your upper body.
  4. Lower it back down and repeat this on the same leg for a total of ten times, keeping the upper body slumped.
  5. Roll back up to the starting point and repeat the same for the other leg.

A Quick Review

When low back pain flares up or persists, even the simplest motions can become painful. It can happen out of the blue, like a sudden fall, or linked to an ongoing issue such as a slipped disc, sciatica, osteoarthritis or lingering problems post pregnancy.

Sometimes, stretching can help lengthen muscles that may be spasming or just tight in the lower back. You can target this region with exercises such as cat-cow and standing roll-down, which lengthen and relax lower back muscles to facilitate easier movement. 

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How To Deal With Muscle Strain Wed, 31 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000

Male runner holding injured calf muscle and suffering with pain. Sprain ligament while running outdoors.

Male runner holding injured calf muscle and suffering with pain. Sprain ligament while running outdoors.

olegbreslavtsev / Getty Images

Muscle strains, or pulled muscles, are common injuries that can occur during sports or other physical activities. When you strain a muscle, you’ve stretched it to the point it tears, and it can be very painful.

If you play a sport that involves quick running and kicking, you may be more likely to experience a strained muscle. In fact, sports in which muscle strains are most common are track and field, rugby, American and Australian football, and soccer. Additionally, it’s not uncommon for people to re-injure a strained muscle, so it’s important to take proper care to rest and treat the injury before returning to your sport or physical activity of choice.

Causes of Muscle Strain

Muscle strains can happen when you don’t prepare properly for physical activity by warming up and stretching, when you get into an accident, or when you overexert yourself. It’s important to build in time to fully warm-up and stretch your muscles before beginning any kind of physical activity. 

In addition, a few factors can make you more likely to strain your muscles again:

  • Not treating the first injury sufficiently
  • Not rehabilitating the muscle
  • Returning to physical activity too quickly 

What Is Muscle Fatigue?

Symptoms of Muscle Strains

The main symptom of muscle strain is pain. Your pain might be most severe immediately following an injury, but it can continue for a short period of time. You also might experience:

  • Sudden, severe pain
  • Difficulty moving your injured muscle
  • Not being able to move a joint normally
  • Extreme weakness in the injured limb
  • Discoloring or bruising
  • Swelling

Muscle Strain Treatments

After you strain a muscle, it’s important to take quick steps to treat the pain and swelling:

  • Wrap ice in a cloth and put it on the strained body part for 15 minutes every hour on the first day, then every three to four hours for the following days. Raise your strained limb above your heart if possible. After three days, you can alternate between heat and ice.
  • You may find that over-the-counter (OTC) medicines designed to reduce inflammation, such as Tylenol (acetaminophen), can improve your pain and swelling. 
  • After the pain begins to ease, begin to incorporate stretching and light physical activity. 

When to See a Healthcare Provider

It’s important to pay close attention to how you are feeling after straining a muscle. See your healthcare provider if you experience any of these symptoms:

  • Lots of swelling near the strained muscle, particularly if the swelling is beginning to get worse
  • Trouble moving arms, legs, or joints
  • Pain that has not gone away for several weeks

If your pain is severe, your healthcare provider may be able to prescribe you other medicine to reduce inflammation and pain. They also may recommend physical therapy to help rebuild your flexibility and strength.

How to Prevent Muscle Strain

Strained muscles can occur when you haven’t warmed up or stretched properly before exercising. Make sure to take time to ensure your muscles are ready to move before jumping into physical activity.

To prepare your body for exercise, make sure you:

  • Begin by moving your body slowly before speeding up to your full movement. For example, walk for five minutes before jogging.
  • Incorporate stretches after your warm up—don’t stretch your muscles before they’re warm. Hold stretches for at least 15 to 30 seconds each, and don’t bounce in your stretches.

At the end of your workout, cool your body down with similar warm-up movements. This helps bring your body back to its normal temperature and heart rate.

In addition, some research suggests that strains can be caused by some of your muscles being stronger than others, such as your hamstrings being less strong than your quadriceps. You may want to try exercises that targets different muscle groups to ensure you’re building your body’s strength evenly across muscle groups. 

Finally, some research shows that fatigue can be a cause of muscle strain. As always, make sure to listen to your body when exercising, and stop or slow down if your body begins to feel exhausted.

5-Step Mobility Routine To Avoid Injuries After 40

A Quick Review

Muscle strains are extremely common injuries for athletes and non-athletes alike. It’s important to stretch and warm up your muscles before any kind of physical activity to avoid injury. Most mild cases of muscle strain can be treated at home using ice, rest, heat, and anti-inflammatory medications, but it’s important to visit your healthcare provider for more severe cases. 

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What Is Hot Yoga—And What Are Its Benefits? Wed, 19 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0000

A woman touching her toes during hot yoga

A woman touching her toes during hot yoga

Tom Werner / Getty Images

Hot yoga is one type of yoga that evolved from traditional yoga. It's performed in heated rooms where the temperature is usually between 85 and 105 degrees Fahrenheit.

This type of yoga was first popularized in the 1970s by Bikram Choudhury, the founder of Bikram yoga (or hot yoga), but it has since expanded to include a variety of different hot yoga styles. Aside from loosening your muscles, research indicates that hot yoga can reduce stress, decrease lower back pain, and even help relieve depression.

However, despite its many benefits, hot yoga is not right for everyone. Pregnant people and those with certain medical conditions should not participate in hot yoga.

Keep reading to learn more about the types of hot yoga, its benefits, and how to get started.

Types of Hot Yoga

While any type of yoga can be done in a heated room, there are certain types that are more likely to be considered hot yoga. Here are a few of the more popular types of hot yoga you might find in your community.

  • Bikram: Developed by Bikram Choudhury in the 1970s, this hot yoga practice involves a 26-pose sequence that takes place in a room that is 105 degrees Fahrenheit. The goal of this yoga session is to use the high temperature to induce profuse sweating and loosen your muscles.
  • Hot Power Yoga: This type of yoga combines two popular forms of yoga into one: hot yoga and power yoga. Practiced in a room that is usually between 85 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit, this type of yoga is fitness-focused and can be challenging for beginners.
  • Moksha (or Moda) Yoga: Created in 2004 by two Canadian yoga instructors, Ted Grand and Jessica Robertson, this type of hot yoga includes 40 different poses based on traditional yoga. While this form of yoga is fitness-focused, it also incorporates stress reduction.
  • TriBalance Hot Yoga: With this type of yoga, the temperature tends to be higher than a Bikram class, and tops out at 110 degrees Fahrenheit, but also has lower humidity. TriBalance does not have a set series of poses and uses dim lighting to encourage more of an inward focus.
  • Hot Yin Yoga: Held in a room that is 95 degrees Fahrenheit, this type of hot yoga is a bit cooler than most Hot yoga classes. It also combines the more meditative approach of Yin yoga with hot yoga and includes fewer postures held for three to five minutes to help release deep tissues, fascia, ligaments, joints, and bone.

There also are many locally-owned and independent yoga studios that offer their own style of hot yoga. It is always best to check out the studio beforehand and talk to the instructor to find out what types of moves are used as well as the temperature of the room.

Benefits of Hot Yoga

The benefits of hot yoga are very similar to the benefits of traditional yoga. In fact, all forms of yoga can reduce stress, decrease lower back pain, help relieve depression as well as lower your risk of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome. Here are some of the potential benefits of hot yoga.

  • May help build strength and bone density: Research on Bikram yoga shows that this type of yoga can improve your lower body strength, your range of motion, and your balance. Meanwhile, another study found that Bikram yoga may preserve—and even increase—bone mineral density in premenopausal people.
  • May improve mental health: One study found that Bikram yoga improved mental health and overall quality of life in people with trauma from persistent pain. The study participants also showed improvements in physical functioning and heart rate variability. Plus, the retention rate for Bikram yoga was 94% compared to 75% for HIIT. 
  • May enhance skin texture: Research shows that completing a hot yoga program increases moisture content in your skin, as well as improves elasticity and skin texture. These results suggest that hot yoga may slow down premature aging.
  • May improve flexibility: A pilot study showed that yoga in a sauna at 122 degrees Fahrenheit led to significant improvements in healthy older adults’ flexibility. The study participants also showed mild improvements in their strength and balance.
  • May encourage fat loss: One study found that hot yoga may encourage greater fat metabolism when compared to traditional yoga. However, the researchers note that hot yoga did not significantly increase the aerobic requirements or energy cost when compared to traditional yoga.
  • May reduce stress: A small study demonstrated that Bikram yoga can reduce stress—particularly in those who experience significant stress in their everyday life. Meanwhile, another study showed that Bikram yoga can reduce perceived stress and improve quality of life.

Study: Adding Yoga to a Regular Exercise Routine May Help Improve Cardiovascular Health

Who Can Do Hot Yoga?

Although hot yoga offers a number of potential health benefits for the average exerciser, it also is not without risks—particularly for pregnant people and those with certain health conditions. For instance, if you have high blood pressure, asthma, cardiovascular disease, or heat intolerance, you should talk to a healthcare provider about whether or not hot yoga is safe for you.

Keep in mind that hot yoga often takes place in extremely high temperatures, which can put you at risk for dehydration and heat illnesses. What’s more, a study on Bikram yoga by the American Council on Exercise found that hot yoga participants experienced both an elevated heart rate and an elevated core body temperature.

These increases were particularly concerning for researchers given that the postures performed in a Bikram class focus on balance and strength rather than cardiovascular training—so it was the extreme heat that was causing these increases. They also discovered that the sweating people experienced was not sufficient enough to cool down their bodies. This can be dangerous for people with certain health conditions.

These fluctuations also make hot yoga particularly unsafe for pregnant people who are typically advised not to participate in a hot yoga class. In fact, evidence suggests that there is an increased risk of neural tube defects and other malformations in babies exposed to excessive heat; and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends against participating in hot yoga (or hot pilates) due to the risk of overheating.

Heat Training: Everything You Need To Know, Including Benefits and Safety Tips

How to Start Hot Yoga

If you are interested in participating in a hot yoga class, most experts recommend that you try more traditional yoga classes first. Subjecting your body to a new form of exercise at an extreme heat, could make you more prone to injury or other complications.

Also, keep in mind that if you are not used to high temperatures, it will take some time for your body to adjust. Choose a studio that allows you to go at your own pace and stop when you need to. You may even want to attend a few classes without actually participating—simply to allow your body to acclimate to the heat. Here are some additional things to consider as you start hot yoga.

  • Hydrate your body with at least 16 ounces of water or other fluids (without caffeine) two hours before class.
  • Weigh yourself before class so that you can determine how much water you need to replace.
  • Choose clothing that will keep you cool and will not become slippery.
  • Bring a towel, a large water bottle, and a mat that will prevent slipping.
  • Go at your own pace and listen to your body, stopping if you need to.
  • Hydrate your body throughout class by drinking before you become thirsty.
  • Know the signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke and get help if needed.
  • Consume enough fluids after exercise to return to your original body weight.
  • Bring some clothes to bundle up in because you may feel extremely chilly after leaving class.
  • Remember that the heat makes your muscles loose and flexible, so you should be careful not to injure yourself after class.

The 7 Best Yoga Mats of 2023, Tested and Reviewed

A Quick Review

Hot yoga is a type of yoga that is done in a room heated to 85 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit. This type of yoga is designed to encourage excessive sweating and loosen your muscles; and can benefit you in a number of ways. For instance, hot yoga can reduce stress, improve mental health, and build strength. But, it is not right for everyone. People who are pregnant or who have certain medical conditions should not participate in hot yoga. If you are considering hot yoga, you should talk to a healthcare provider to make sure it is right for you.

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What Is Hypertrophy? Mon, 20 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0000

A woman doing hypertrophy training

A woman doing hypertrophy training

jeffbergen / Getty Images

Hypertrophy is an increase in your muscle size. Most of the time, this increase is accomplished through exercises and workouts that incorporate strength training—lifting weights is the most common way to increase hypertrophy.

There are two main types of muscle hypertrophy—sarcoplasmic hypertrophy and myofibril hypertrophy. Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is the physical increase of your muscle and is what most people mean when they refer to hypertrophy training. Meanwhile, myofibril hypertrophy is when a muscle becomes more dense and compact. 

If increasing your muscle size is your goal, your workout routine should be designed to optimize and increase muscle mass. Generally, this means that you should lift weights and gradually increase the volume of your workouts in order to change the size and shape of your muscles.

Goals of Hypertrophy Training

Hypertrophy training is a type of resistance training that involves focusing on specific techniques that will increase your muscle tone, size, and mass. Although everyone has different workout goals, a lot of people pursue hypertrophy training to support their health goals. Others might engage in this type of training to prevent injury, change their appearance, or even to feel a sense of accomplishment.

Developing adequate levels of muscle mass plays an important role in your health and wellness. For example, having low levels of muscle mass is associated with an increased risk of several diseases, including cardiovascular disease. Low muscle mass also can influence the development of cardio-metabolic issues, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and even increase the risk of falls.

Regardless of your goals, hypertrophy training is a great option for building muscle mass. Research indicates that you can build muscle mass by focusing on mechanical tension—using a heavy weight and performing exercises through a full range of motion for a period of time—and metabolic stress, which is essentially the pump you achieve as a result of working out at a higher intensity with shorter rest periods. In fact, consistently implementing this type of training regimen is essential to getting results.

Benefits of Hypertrophy Training

Building muscle mass through hypertrophy training can benefit your health in a number of ways. In fact, it is so beneficial that the American Heart Association recommends that everyone incorporate muscle strengthening activities at least twice per week into their workout regimen. Here are some of the potential benefits of hypertrophy training.

It Manages and Improves Metabolic Function

Not only can developing your muscles reduce body fat and increase metabolism, it also can lower your blood pressure, improve your blood lipid profile, and improve glucose tolerance. This is particularly important if you have type 2 diabetes or are at risk of developing the condition.

In fact, one study found that people with type 2 diabetes who engaged in a hypertrophy training program of two to three sets of eight to 10 repetitions showed significant improvements in their glycemic control, insulin sensitivity, and triglycerides.

It Improves Quality of Life

Increasing your muscle mass also can lead to an improvement in your movement and your functional capacity—both of which improve your overall quality of life. This is particularly important as you age. In fact, research shows that regular physical activity in mature adults is not only important for healthy aging, but also reduces mortality and injury risk.

Plus, physical activity like hypertrophy training promotes both physical and mental health. It can even lead to more social interactions and a happier overall countenance. Hypertrophy training can even be effective at reducing the likelihood of age-related muscle mass loss and age-related diseases.

Reduces Risk of Osteoporosis

When you build muscle, you also can prevent—and sometimes even reverse—osteoporosis. For instance, research indicates that the mechanical load placed on your bones when you engage in resistance training also leads to an increase in bone strength.

In fact, researchers believe that working to build muscle—either alone or with other exercises—may be the most beneficial strategy you can implement to preserve, and sometimes even improve, bone mass. It is particularly useful for postmenopausal people and those in middle age as well as those who are seniors.

Risks of Hypertrophy Training

When done properly, hypertrophy training is typically a safe and effective way to build muscle mass. The key, though, is to make sure this type of training is appropriate given your medical history and current fitness level. Talk to a healthcare provider about your goals to determine if this type of workout is appropriate for you.

Additionally, make sure you are using good form when you are training in order to decrease your risk of injury. If you are unsure of how to perform an exercise, it may be helpful to talk with a certified personal trainer or look for detailed instructions online.

Another way to reduce the risk of hypertrophy training is to focus on building a strong base first. According to the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), this approach will help you build muscle mass naturally without putting your body at risk. You also should focus on lifting an appropriate amount of weight. Lifting too much can put you at risk for injuries.

It is also important to recognize that in some cases, increasing the size of your muscles does not always equate to more strength. Likewise, if you do not carefully plan out your routine, or if you try to do too much, there is a possibility of getting an overuse injury.

Signs You're Getting Fitter—Even If the Scale Hasn't Budged

Exercises To Do For Hypertrophy Training

When it comes to hypertrophy training, it is important to note that there is no well-established consensus on how your training variables should be implemented or changed in order to promote muscle growth. For this reason, there are a number of ways to approach your training. Try experimenting with different sets and reps until you find an approach that works for you.

The NASM suggests doing approximately 15 to 20 sets of challenging hypertrophy exercises per week to increase your muscle size. But, they note that you should spread these exercises out throughout your week—especially because the maximum muscle response is achieved through five to six sets of a specific exercise.

You also may want to increase your volume each week or so, keeping in mind that some body parts require more volume than others. It also might be helpful to work with a certified personal trainer to determine how much to increase your volume and for which muscle groups. Remember, too, that some body parts—such as your biceps, shoulders, and calves—require more volume than others.

According to NASM, you should focus on multi-joint exercises in order to promote muscle growth. Some examples of these foundational movements include squats, deadlifts, shoulder presses, and rows.

If you are looking to grow your muscle mass, here are some exercises you can try at home, but you will need more exercises than these to build muscle mass.

How To Do 8 Basic Exercises Using Good Form

Dumbell Squat

  1. Stand with your feet just more than hip-distance apart, your toes angled slightly outward.
  2. Hold a dumbbell in your hands at your chest.
  3. Bend your elbows, so the weight is positioned right at the center of your chest.
  4. Engage your core and look straight ahead keeping your back in a neutral position. 
  5. Press your hips back and bend your knees to perform the squat keeping the dumbbell close to your body.
  6. Keep your weight evenly distributed and slightly more weighted toward your heels.
  7. Press through your heels to reverse the motion and return to the starting position. 
  8. Do three sets of six to 12 reps, with a zero to 60-second rest between each set.

Dumbbell Skull Crusher

  1. Lie face up on a bench with your entire body on the bench, except your lower legs. 
  2. Make sure your knees are bent, and your feet are flat on the floor. 
  3. Extend your arms above the chest, elbows shoulder-width apart, and hold dumbbells in each hand or hold one dumbbell with both hands.
  4. Bend your elbows and lower the weight toward the top of your skull.
  5. Continue lowering the weight behind the head. (The bottom of the dumbbell head should be about in line with the bench.)
  6. Reverse the movement until the weight is above your chest in the original starting position. 
  7. Do three sets of six to 12 reps, with a zero to 60-second rest between each set.

Dumbbell Row

  1. Get into a lunge position keeping a soft bend in your front leg. 
  2. Tighten your core by squeezing your belly button toward your spine. 
  3. Lower your dumbbell toward the floor until your arm is fully extended.
  4. Begin pulling upward by sliding your shoulder blade toward your spine, lifting the weight toward your torso, and driving your elbow to the ceiling. 
  5. Keep your elbow close to your body as it passes the ribs. (At the end of the movement, the dumbbell should be in line with your chest and your elbow should be pointing up toward the ceiling.)
  6. Do three sets of six to 12 reps, with a zero to 60-second rest between each set.
  7. Switch sides and repeat the same movements.
  8. Do three sets of six to 12 reps, with a zero to 60-second rest between each set.

Combining Strength Training and Cardio May Help You Live a Longer, Healthier Life

Hypertrophy Training vs Strength Training

When it comes to hypertrophy training and strength training, the two approaches overlap quite a bit, but have overall different goals. For those who engage in hypertrophy training, they are working on building their muscle size. Meanwhile, those who have implemented strength training into their workouts are focusing on making their muscles stronger.

Historically, bodybuilders and those who want observable muscle growth have been most interested in increasing their muscle size. Meanwhile, building strength is important not only for athletes, but also for your day-to-day life. Improving your strength enables you to lift and carry things as well as move well.

Because of these different goals, the approach to training and working the muscles varies slightly. For instance, when you are strength training you will work your muscles at a higher intensity with fewer reps. Meanwhile, with hypertrophy you will work at a lower level of intensity with more reps. In other words, when intensity goes up reps go down.

Likewise, the rest periods will be different as well. For instance, with hypertrophy you typically want shorter rest periods of about 60 to 90 seconds. But you don't want to make them too short. Research indicates that recovery periods that are too short—or too long—may interfere with the hypertrophic effect of training.

If you are strength training, you will likely need longer rest periods due to the intensity of your workout. In fact, research indicates that three to five minutes are needed for a muscle group to recover completely. If your rest period is too short, you run the risk of not seeing any increases in strength.

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A Quick Review

Hypertrophy is an increase in muscle mass that is achieved through exercises like resistance training. People pursue hypertrophy training to support their health goals, prevent injury, and improve appearance. To get the results you want, it is important to maintain good form and focus on multi-joint exercises.

While there is no well-established consensus on how your training variables should be altered to achieve muscle growth, hypertrophy usually involves working at a lower intensity with more reps than those doing traditional strength training.

If you are interested in implementing a hypertrophy workout regimen, it is important to talk to a healthcare provider first to determine if this training approach is right for you.

How Many Days You Should Work Out Every Week, According to Experts

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What Is Pilates? Thu, 02 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0000

A woman practicing pilates on a yoga mat

A woman practicing pilates on a yoga mat

Alexandr Dubynin / Getty Images

  • Pilates is an excellent exercise option if you are looking for a low-impact, bodyweight exercise to help build your core strength and improve your functional movement.
  • Pilates' health benefits include improving your strength and endurance to boosting your mood and helping you manage pain.
  • Pilates can be done at home with the use of a few simple exercises or an online app or program.
  • Be sure you talk to your healthcare provider before getting started. They can evaluate your fitness level and your medical conditions and let you know if it is right for you.

Pilates is a form of low-impact exercise with moves that help strengthen your muscles while improving posture, mobility, and flexibility. This exercise program, which was developed in the early 1900s by Joseph Pilates, is designed to coordinate your breathing with your body movements resulting in more body control.

Originally known as "controlology," Pilates offers a number of health benefits including improving your mobility, helping to manage pain, and building muscle endurance. Typically, workouts last about 45 minutes or longer in a class setting, but there are some Pilates workouts you can do in 20 to 30 minutes at home.

Keep reading to find out how Pilates can impact your health as well as how to implement a program at home.

The Benefits of Pilates

Pilates is a low-impact exercise program that’s good for any age. Whether you are bored with your current fitness routine or you are just looking to exercise more and improve your flexibility, Pilates may be exactly what you are looking for. Here is an overview of some of the potential health benefits of Pilates.

Improves Balance and Mobility

If you are looking to improve your functional movement—the type of movement that helps you complete everyday tasks like walking, sitting, standing, and carrying things—then you may want to consider Pilates. Not only can it help your movements become more fluid, but it also can help you develop more balance and stability.

In fact, a study found that people who practiced Pilates for 1 hour, three times a week for eight weeks showed increased balance, stability, and mobility. What's more, the study participants showed more improvement—or scored higher on their functional movement screenings—than the group performing yoga.

Increases Muscle Strength and Endurance

Pilates also is great for anyone looking to build muscle strength and endurance. This is largely due to the concentrated effort and control it requires to perform the moves.

For instance, one older study found that people who did 1 hour of Pilates twice a week for 12 weeks experienced significant increases in both abdominal endurance and upper-body muscular endurance.

Meanwhile, another study found that people who completed two Pilates sessions a week over three months showed improvements in lower body strength and postural balance. And, a study of postmenopausal women found that Pilates helped strengthen their upper body, lower body, and abdominal muscles.

Helps Manage Pain

There is emerging research suggesting that Pilates may be useful for coping with different forms of pain. In fact, in one preliminary study on those with fibromyalgia found that people who consistently participate in Pilates may experience less anxiety and more pain relief.

There also is some evidence that Pilates may be useful in reducing pain caused by osteoarthritis. A randomized controlled study found that people with knee pain benefitted more from doing Pilates than conventional therapeutic exercise.

Pilates may even be useful during pregnancy and lead to better labor and delivery outcomes. For instance, a randomized clinical trial of pregnant women found that those who participated in Pilates twice a week during pregnancy had improved labors with fewer C-sections, episiotomies, and obstructed labor. They also had lower blood pressure and more flexibility.

8 Pilates Moves To Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor

Boosts Mental Health

Like many exercise programs, Pilates can boost your mood and help manage symptoms of anxiety and depression. Some of this boost in energy and mood may be related to the mind-body connection that occurs when practicing Pilates, as well as the fact that working out can boost your endorphins—or those feel-good hormones.

What's more, there are plenty of studies illustrating the positive impact Pilates can have on your mood. For instance, a meta-analysis of eight Pilates studies found that those who practiced Pilates reported fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression. They also had more energy and were less fatigued.

Improves Quality of Life

Researchers note that Pilates may be particularly useful for those who live sedentary lifestyles. Not only is it a low-impact way to stay active, but it can be particularly instrumental in improving quality of life.

In fact, one small study of sedentary women ages 61 to 67 showed that those who did 30-minute Pilates mat and equipment-based sessions twice a week for six months experienced significant improvements in their quality of life.

Pilates vs. Yoga

While Pilates and yoga are both low-impact, bodyweight workouts that emphasize the mind-body connection, they were created with different roles in mind. For instance, Pilates has a greater focus on building strength and stability in your core and your spine and was initially introduced by Joseph Pilates to dancers and other athletes recovering from injuries.

Meanwhile, yoga—which began in India thousands of years ago—has more of a meditative focus. It blends the use of different poses (or asanas) with breathing techniques. And although both Pilates and yoga build core strength, yoga is more focused on stretching and expanding your consciousness through movement.

You can benefit from either discipline, especially because both build flexibility and strength, but Pilates is often more useful for physical rehabilitation. It also can help build your core strength. Meanwhile, yoga may be better for cardiovascular health, especially vinyasa yoga, which tends to be faster paced.

This Yoga Flow Can Help Ease Stress and Anxiety

Pilates Exercises at Home

If you are interested in giving Pilates a try to see if it is right for you, you may want to try a few exercises at home first. Doing so, can help you get familiar with the movements and help you decide if you like it before joining a class or finding a studio.

What's more, there are plenty of online resources that allow you to practice the discipline in the comfort of your home. Here are some Pilates moves you can try, but keep in mind there are many more options than what is listed here.


Perhaps one of the most popular Pilates move is "the hundred," which is named after the 100 beats your arms make while holding your legs extended and your head and shoulders off the mat. Many times, this move is used at the beginning of a Pilates class. Here is how you do the hundred.

  1. Lie on your back with your arms at your side.
  2. Curl your head, neck, and shoulders up and lift your legs off the mat at a height that is comfortable for you.
  3. Make sure your abs are engaged but that your lower back is not lifting off the mat.
  4. Pump your arms up and down, breathing in for five counts and out for five counts, which totals 10 breath counts.
  5. Repeat the arm movements and breath counts 10 times.

Shoulder Hip Bridge

If your goal is to target your backside including the hamstrings, inner thighs, and obliques then the shoulder hip bridge is the move for you. Here is how to do the move.

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent.
  2. Place your hands on the floor along your sides.
  3. Lift your hips, tilting your rib cage upward. Then, lift one leg to the ceiling.
  4. Assume the bridge position on your shoulders and hold briefly.
  5. Move your raised leg to the side keeping it straight (crossing over your other leg). Then, return back to the center.
  6. Keep your pelvis stable during the movement without tilting when your leg moves.
  7. Complete 15 to 20 repetitions while keeping the hips lifted.
  8. Repeat on the other side.

Supported Roll Back

People who are looking to really challenge their abdominal muscles, often want to try the roll up. That said, if you are new to Pilates, the best place to start is with the supported roll back and then transition to roll up once you have built up some strength. Here's how to do the supported roll back.

  1. Start sitting up with your knees bent in front of you.
  2. Place your hands around your thighs just below the knees
  3. Drop your shoulders and relax your neck.
  4. Pull in your abs to initiate the move and start moving backward.
  5. Go back until your lower back touches the mat and your arms are straight. (Your feet should not lift off of the floor.)
  6. Pull with your abs to return to upright keeping your back in a C-curve as long as possible.

Roll Up

Once you have mastered the supported roll back, you may want to give the roll up a try. However, if you have low back pain or a low back injury, this exercise may not be right for you. At least talk with a healthcare provider before giving it a try.

Based on how difficult it is to master the roll up, it is not surprising that proponents of Pilates claim that this move can be more effective than traditional sit-ups or crunches. Here is how to do the roll up.

  1. Lie down on your back with your legs straight.
  2. Extend your arms so that your hands are reaching toward the wall behind you.
  3. Roll your torso up slowly breathing out as you come up.
  4. Try to engage your abdominal muscles and not rely on momentum to come up.
  5. Reach for your toes keeping the head tucked and the back rounded. (If you need to modify this move slightly, you can allow your legs to bend).
  6. Return to your starting position by rolling down slowly, one vertebrae at a time.
  7. Repeat six times.

This At-Home Pilates Routine Will Tighten and Tone Your Entire Body

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Learn What Anaerobic Exercise Is and Why It's Beneficial Thu, 02 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0000

An Asian woman lifting a barbell while looking at herself in the mirror

An Asian woman lifting a barbell while looking at herself in the mirror

Makiko Tanigawa / Getty Images

Anaerobic exercise is any exercise that doesn’t use the oxygen in your body as its main source of energy. Therefore, anaerobic exercises require short sudden bursts of energy. For example, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), weight lifting, circuit training, Pilates, yoga, and other forms of strength training.

Keep reading to find out how aerobic and anaerobic exercises differ, plus how to add them to your routine.

Anaerobic vs. Aerobic Exercise

The word aerobic means “with oxygen,” and anaerobic means the opposite—”without oxygen.” Anaerobic exercises are generally higher in intensity than aerobic exercises and, therefore, are shorter in duration. 

Some examples of anaerobic exercises include:

  • Sprinting
  • Weightlifting
  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT)
  • Plyometrics

That doesn't mean that anaerobic exercises don't require oxygen, because, of course, you need it no matter what kind of exercise you do. What it means is that anaerobic exercises don’t make use of oxygen in the same way that cardio (or aerobic) activities do. Instead, anaerobic activities break down glucose that's already in your muscles as a form of fuel, instead of using oxygen you inhale during your exercise.

Glucose is the main source of energy in your body, and you get it from carbohydrates that are then broken down into glucose by enzymes in your body. Your liver also produces glucose when it is needed by the body as fuel. Breaking down glucose produces lactic acid, the chemical that gives your muscles that burning sensation while you're working out.

Combining Strength Training and Cardio May Help You Live a Longer, Healthier Life

Aerobic exercise is any physical activity that maximally delivers oxygen to your muscles and uses oxygen to create energy for your body. Generally, aerobic exercises use large muscle groups and can be done for a long duration, like swimming and dancing. Many of the activities are focused on endurance because the goal is to maximize your body’s oxygen usage by increasing your heart rate and breathing. 

Aerobic and anaerobic exercises have similar benefits:

  • Improve blood circulation
  • Strengthen your heart muscle
  • Improve lipid profile—reduce bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol
  • Burn calories and help with weight loss
  • Increase metabolism
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Improve mood

The biggest difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise is that anaerobic exercise has the capability to build muscle. Doing anaerobic exercises like weight-lifting causes micro-tears in your muscles that, over time, rebuilds to help your body get stronger.

Anaerobic Exercises to Do

Anaerobic exercises are meant to be intense and uses an energy pathway called anaerobic glycolysis. Anaerobic glycolysis is the transformation of glucose to lactate when limited amounts of oxygen are available. 

This leads to a buildup of lactic acid in your muscles, which is responsible for that “burn” you may feel in your muscles during anaerobic activity. When this buildup happens, you have to let your body recover and replenish the oxygen in these areas, which is why you can’t sustain the exercise for long periods of time.

Weight Lifting

Weight lifting, also known as strength, weight, or resistance training, is a type of strength training for developing the strength, size of skeletal muscles and maintenance of strength. It uses the force of gravity in the form of weighted bars, dumbbells or weight stacks to work against, or resist the weight.

It may not seem like an intense activity if you’re not moving super heavy weights—as you would  in powerlifting or with mass-building exercises. But it’s not the amount of weight that makes an exercise anaerobic. It’s the need for a large burst of energy over a relatively short amount of time that makes the exercise anaerobic. 

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a type of interval training that alternates between very short bursts of intense activity at a near-maximal (“all-out”) effort, and short recovery times.

Typically, the period of intense activity can go from 30 seconds to three minutes but can be as short as eight seconds. The recovery time is usually equal to or longer than the work time at a complete rest or doing a low-intensity movement.

HIIT is a great way to make the most of your limited time. During HIIT, you’re working at your near-maximal capacity, so even if you’re doing only a few exercises, you’re burning the most energy possible.

The 20-Minute HIIT Workout You Can Do Literally Anywhere

Benefits of Anaerobic Exercise

Anaerobic exercise gives you all the benefits of aerobic exercise, with the additional advantage of increasing your muscle power, mass and strength, as well as helping to improve your blood glucose control and insulin sensitivity. Overall, anaerobic exercise can help you improve your blood circulation and cholesterol, strengthen your heart, lower your blood pressure, help with weight loss, and enhance your mood.

Increases Your Fitness Level

Much like anything you start brand-new, anaerobic exercise can be difficult at first, particularly if you're exerting yourself in a way you haven't done before. However, as you continue doing anaerobic exercises, your body adapts, and the movements get easier. You will be able to move more weight, increase the number of repetitions, or shorten your rest time before you feel the burn-out.

Improves Your Heart Health

You’ve probably heard that doing aerobic exercises like walking and jogging is great for preventing heart disease, improving blood pressure and cholesterol, and strengthening your heart. However, it’s also recommended that adults, including those with chronic conditions, do anaerobic activities at least two days a week to improve cardiovascular health. This is because your body composition changes the most when you do a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercises—both types of exercise promote fat loss, while anaerobic exercise promotes gaining lean muscle mass.

Helps With Glucose Management

Anaerobic exercise is also good for blood sugar control. Resistance training and increasing muscle mass helps with blood glucose control by increasing your body’s sensitivity to insulin and glucose tolerance. 

Insulin receptors are found on the surface of the liver, fat, and skeletal muscle cells. More lean muscle means more muscle fibers to respond to insulin and use the glucose in your blood more efficiently.

A Quick Review

Anaerobic exercise uses glucose as energy, instead of oxygen. Anaerobic exercises involve short bursts of high intensity and short periods of low intensity, so your workout can be done in a shorter amount of time than doing aerobic exercise.

Aerobic and anaerobic exercises share many benefits, but only anaerobic exercises can increase lean muscle mass and strength and improve power. Any physical activity will improve your health, but anaerobic exercises can also improve fitness, cardiovascular health, and blood sugar control.

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The 17 Best Sandals with Arch Support, According to Podiatrists and Our Testing Thu, 20 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0000

Best Sandals with Arch Support

Best Sandals with Arch Support

Health / Jaclyn Mastropasqua

Arch conditions like plantar fasciitis can be painful and debilitating, but the right pair of sandals may provide relief. Sandals with arch support work to distribute your weight evenly across your feet, to help ease pressure on the arches. They also often have features like contoured footbeds and cushioned midsoles to further reduce pain. When buying sandals for arch support, look for a style with good arch coverage and adjustability for the best fit. Often, a heel cup or strap can help keep your foot in place and prevent slippage.

Said Atway, DPM, a podiatrist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, explains that sandals without arch support can eventually cause pain due to the strain they put on foot ligaments. However, sandals that do boast arch support will provide the opposite result (less strain) as they conform to the feet to support proper function, he adds.

We researched dozens of sandals with arch support and consulted with podiatrists to find the best options with contoured footbeds, cushioned midsoles, heel cups, and secure straps for optimal fit. We also tested 32 sandals to see how they held up on our daily strolls. Our top picks can help with plantar fasciitis, overpronation, flat feet, and high arches—and they're comfortable enough to wear all day long. These are the best sandals with arch support.

Our Top Picks

Best Overall:
Skechers Go Walk Arch Fit Affinity at

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Best for Narrow Feet:
Munro Corine Sandals at Zappos

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Best for Wide Feet:
Baretraps Danny Sandal at Amazon

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Best for High Arches:
Vionic Reyna Flatform Sandal at Zappos

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Best Men’s:
Crocs Classic Sandal at

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Best Women’s:
Vionic Marvina at

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Best Walking:
ECCO Women’s Yucatan Sandal at Amazon

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Best Slip-on:
Birkenstock Arizona at Zappos

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Best Dressy:
Dansko Reece Sandals at Amazon

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Best Flat:
Sole Malibu Flip at

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Best Overall

Skechers Go Walk Arch Fit Affinity


best sandals with arch support

best sandals with arch support


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Why We Like It: The Skechers Go Walk Arch Fit Affinity features memory foam, which contours to your feet and provides cushioning, while the midsole has an extra layer of shock-absorbing material.

It’s Worth Noting: These sandals may not be a great fit for those with narrow feet.

Skechers Go Walk Arch Fit Affinity sandals provide excellent arch support and cushioning for all-day comfort. The memory foam contours to your feet, while the shock-absorbing midsole protects against impact. When we tried them during testing, we were impressed by how our feet never slid around—a result of the three adjustable straps.

Despite the elevated heel from the arch, we always felt supported walking up and down stairs, on uneven sidewalks, and during long strolls. We also noted that they felt super lightweight and the extra cushioning in the soles left our joints feeling protected from hard surfaces like concrete.

While we know not everyone will think these are the cutest sandals available (our editor who tried them out didn't think so either), we think the level of comfort these shoes bring to the table and their affordable price point more than make up for their average design. And if Affinity isn't your style, Skechers has several other Go Walk Arch Fit sandals and plenty of color options to suit your taste. Plus, they're machine washable, making them easy to keep clean.

Product Details:

  • Women's sizes: 6 to 11
  • Available Widths: Medium, wide
  • Upper Material: Geo-woven mesh
  • Insole Material: Arch Fit contoured footbed
  • Outsole Material: Dual-density material

Price at time of publication: $70

Best for Narrow Feet

Munro Corine Sandals


Munro Corine Sandals

Munro Corine Sandals


View On Zappos
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Why We Like It: Even the medium width felt a bit narrow so they're truly geared towards those with slim feet.

It’s Worth Noting: They run small so size up!

If you're someone with narrow feet who's looking for a sturdy and comfortable yet cute pair of sandals then we highly recommend the Munro Corine Sandals. We realized pretty quickly during testing that these shoes are made for those with narrow feet as even the wider styles still felt narrow. And though they felt firm while we walked in them, that didn't detract from their level of comfort.

Our feet felt supported all day long in these shoes. In fact, our editor said she felt energized in them and was able to walk for longer distances pain-free than she can in her usual Birkenstocks. Even after 8 straight hours of wearing these sandals, we didn't experience any blistering or chafing.

It's worth noting that we recommend going up a full size in this shoe. We were pretty surprised at how far off from standard sizing these sandals felt.

Product Details:

  • Women's sizes: 5 to 12
  • Available Widths: Super slim, narrow, medium, wide, extra wide
  • Upper Material: Suede
  • Insole Material: Cork footbed
  • Outsole Material: Natural latex rubber

Price at time of publication: $200

Best for Wide Feet

Baretraps Danny Sandal


Baretraps Danny Sandal

Baretraps Danny Sandal

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Why We Like It: They're available in both medium and wide widths, and they support your arches without putting too much pressure on them.

It’s Worth Noting: One of our editors experienced a little bit of chaffing on the pinky toe.

The Baretraps Danny Sandals are high-quality, comfortable shoes with solid arch support. We particularly liked that they supported our arches without putting too much pressure on them or forcing them into an uncomfortably raised position.

While the insole is a very firm rubber, it didn't bother us at all. In fact, we think it made them feel sturdier and higher quality—like they'll last for years. However, the rubber isn't light so be prepared for a slightly heavier shoe than other sandals on this list. We also appreciated how the straps ensured our feet stayed put, reducing strain.

We had two editors test these sandals and while one was incredibly impressed with the lack of blistering and chaffing she experienced, the other noted her pinky toe came out a bit raw after testing. For that reason, these shoes may be great for people with wide feet, but those with extra wide feet may want to try another option on this list.

Product Details:

  • Women's sizes: 5.5 to 11
  • Available Widths: Medium, wide
  • Upper Material: Man-made upper
  • Insole Material: EVA
  • Outsole Material: Rubber

Price at time of publication: $60

Best for High Arches

Vionic Reyna Flatform Sandal


Vionic Reyna Flatform Sandal

Vionic Reyna Flatform Sandal


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Why We Like It: They have a high arch and a stylish platform design.

It’s Worth Noting: The straps may loosen over time.

Despite their name, the Vionic Reyna Flatform Sandals are anything but flat in the insole, and instead offer some serious arch support. For those with high arches, these platforms have a raised inner arch to keep your feet supported throughout the day. And, when we tested, we particularly loved the plump leather straps that felt soft and supple on our ankles and feet.

It's worth noting that the platform of these sandals is inflexible and won't bend with your foot as you walk, which may feel strange if you're not used to wearing platforms. However, because the arch support design is so significant, the lack of flexibility won't strain your arches. Also, we found that the strap stretched a little during testing. However, we simply chose a tighter notch on the strap, and that resolved the issue immediately.

Product Details:

  • Women's sizes: 5 to 11
  • Available Widths: Medium
  • Upper Material: Leather and suede
  • Insole Material: Synthetic lining
  • Outsole Material: Rubber

Price at time of publication: $130

Best Men’s

Crocs Classic Sandal

best sandals with arch support

best sandals with arch support


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Why We Like It: This classic Croc sandal is made from Croslite, a lightweight foam material that molds to your feet for a perfect fit.

It’s Worth Noting: Unlike traditional Crocs, the sandal version lacks a heel strap for added security.

The Crocs Classic Sandal is a lightweight, comfortable option for men who need a strong, yet lightweight sandal with arch support. The Croslite insole material molds to your feet, and the contoured footbed provides an impressive amount of support. Similar to a traditional Croc, this sandal has two upper straps for added security. The textured outsole provides traction and stability on wet and dry surfaces.

The Crocs Classic Sandal is available in men's sizes 4 to 13 and in ten color options. Seven Jibbitz holes line the straps, allowing you to customize your sandals with Croc's line of charms. They're also flexible, easy to clean, and odor resistant—just hose them off and allow them to air dry.

Product Details:

  • Men’s sizes: 4 to 13
  • Available Widths: Standard
  • Upper Material: Croslite resin
  • Insole Material: Croslite resin
  • Outsole Material: Croslite resin

Price at time of publication: $40

Best Women’s

Vionic Marvina Sandal

Best Sandals with Arch Support

Best Sandals with Arch Support


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Why We Like It: This strappy leather sandal has a supportive footbed that adjusts to the shape of your foot.

It’s Worth Noting: The Vionic Marvina is only available in standard width and isn't adjustable, so a good initial fit is essential.

The Vionic Marvina provides a comfortable, supportive fit for women who need arch support. The stylish leather upper can be dressed up or down, while the two straps ensure a secure fit. A microfiber-covered EVA footbed conforms to the shape of your foot and provides cushioning—and the rubber outsole is durable and provides traction on everyday terrain.

Marvina is available in women's sizes 5 to 12 and in four color options: black, cream, macaroon, and poppy. They're also available in half sizes for a perfect fit. The manufacturer recommends wearing the sandals for a few hours the first few days to allow your feet to adjust to the support. The leather straps can be wiped down using a dry, cotton cloth.

Product Details:

  • Women's sizes: 5 to 12
  • Available Widths: Standard
  • Upper Material: Leather
  • Insole Material: Microfiber-covered EVA
  • Outsole Material: Rubber

Price at time of publication: $140

Best Walking

ECCO Women’s Yucatan Sandal


ECCO Women's Yucatan Sandal

ECCO Women's Yucatan Sandal


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Why We Like It: The Ecco Yucatan Sandal has a soft yet supportive molded footbed that provides all-day walking comfort on any terrain.

It’s Worth Noting: The microfiber footbed cover doesn't dry as fast as other materials.

The Ecco Yucatan Sandal is a comfortable walking sandal that provides support and stability on any terrain—from rocky trails to city streets. Three adjustable leather straps ensure a secure fit and the molded EVA footbed conforms to the foot for a custom fit. The outsole is made from rubber, which provides a durable barrier.

The Ecco Yucatan Sandal is available in women's sizes 5 to 12 and in nine color options. Men's styles are also available in sizes 6 to 16. They're also easy to clean—just use a damp cloth and allow them to air dry.

Product Details:

  • Women's sizes: 5 to 12
  • Men's sizes: 6 to 16
  • Available Widths: Standard
  • Upper Material: Leather with neoprene lining
  • Insole Material: Molded EVA
  • Outsole Material: Rubber

Price at time of publication: $135

Best Slip-on

Birkenstock Arizona Suede

Best Sandals with Arch Support

Best Sandals with Arch Support


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Why We Like It: The Birkenstock Arizona is a comfortable, slip-on sandal with adjustable straps for a customized fit.

It’s Worth Noting: Leather requires more upkeep, such as regular protective treatments, to maintain its look.

A popular style for men and women, the Birkenstock Arizona is a comfortable, slip-on sandal with two adjustable upper buckle straps. The contoured cork footbed adapts to the shape of your foot and provides support, while the EVA outsole is shock-absorbent and lightweight. The shaped heel cup, exceptional arch support, and raised toe grips help distribute weight across your feet for premium comfort.

The Birkenstock Arizona is available in women’s sizes 4 to 12 and in men’s sizes 6 to 15. These sandals accommodate most foot shapes, with a narrow or regular/wide option. There are color selections for every occasion, with over 30 solid and patterned choices. And cleaning your Birkenstocks is simple: Just wipe them down with a damp cloth and treat the leather with Birkenstock’s Water & Stain Repellent for extra protection.

Product Details:

  • Women's sizes: 4 to 12
  • Men's sizes: 6 to 15
  • Available Widths: Medium/narrow, regular/wide
  • Upper Material: Suede
  • Insole Material: Natural leather
  • Outsole Material: EVA

Price at time of publication: $125

Best Dressy

Dansko Reece Sandals

Dansko Reece Sandals

Dansko Reece Sandals

Courtesy of Dansko

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Why We Like It: The molded memory foam footbed and cork insole of the Dansko Reece soothes your feet during any occasion.

It’s Worth Noting: The adjustable strap doesn't offer as much adjustability as some of the other sandals on this list.

The leather upper of the Dansko Reece looks great with dresses, skirts, and trousers—making it a versatile option for work or play. The molded memory foam footbed conforms to the shape of the foot for on-the-go comfort, while the cork insole provides support and absorbs shock. A durable rubber outsole offers traction and stability, whether you're walking on the street or dancing the night away.

The Dansko Reece is available in women's sizes 5.5 to 12. There are also three color options: black, stone waxy burnished, and orange. These sandals also feature a toe loop for easy on and off and an adjustable back strap to fasten. They're also simple to care for—just wipe them down with a damp cloth and allow them to air dry. Leather cream can be used to keep the upper looking new.

Product Details:

  • Women's sizes: 5.5 to 12
  • Available Widths: Standard
  • Upper Material: Leather
  • Insole Material: Leather and memory foam
  • Outsole Material: Rubber

Price at time of publication: $125

Best Flat

Sole Malibu Flip

Best Sandals with Arch Support

Best Sandals with Arch Support


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Why We Like It: These sustainable sandals feature a moldable orthopedic shape that supports pressure distribution and shock absorption.

It’s Worth Noting: Flip-flop style sandals don't offer the same support as those with straps.

Sustainable meets comfort in the Sole Laguna Flip. Using a combination of cork trimmings and recycled wine corks, these sandals are as eco-friendly as they are comfortable. The moldable orthopedic shape of the footbed provides support and distributes weight evenly, while the EVA outsole offers shock absorption.

The Sole Laguna Flip is available in women's sizes 5 to 11 and men's sizes 7 to 14. They come in standard width only and are available in three colors: black, brown, and tan. Not only will you be comfortable in these sandals, but you can feel good knowing that you're supporting a sustainable product.

Product Details:

  • Women's sizes: 5 to 11
  • Men's sizes: 7 to 14
  • Available Widths: Standard
  • Upper Material: Knit
  • Insole Material: Cork
  • Outsole Material: EVA

Price at time of publication: $89

Best Hiking

Hoka Women’s Hopara Sandals

Hoka Women's Hopara Sandals

Hoka Women's Hopara Sandals


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Why We Like It: These rugged hiking sandals protect your feet with just enough cushioning to make them comfy on the trail.

It’s Worth Noting: The Hopara may not be suitable for overpronation—which causes the foot to roll inward excessively.

Not every sandal is cut out for the rigorous demands of hiking, but the Hoka Hopara is up for the challenge. These sandals feature a synthetic upper for durability and breathability—and the midsole is made from EVA for added cushioning. The rubber outsole provides traction on any surface, whether trekking across a rocky creek bed or backpacking up a muddy trail.

The Hoka Hopara is available in women's sizes 5 to 11 and men's sizes 7 to 14. They come in standard width only and are available in nine color options. With drainage ports throughout, a protective toe cap, and a quick-drying upper, these sandals are ready to take on any adventure—while catering to your arch support needs.

Product Details:

  • Women's sizes: 5 to 11
  • Men's sizes: 7 to 14
  • Available Widths: Standard
  • Upper Material: Synthetic
  • Insole Material: EVA
  • Outsole Material: Rubber

Price at time of publication: $135

Best Athletic

Oofos OOahh Sport Flex Sandal

Best Sandals with Arch Support

Best Sandals with Arch Support


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Why We Like It: This slide sandal caters to athletes seeking comfort and support after a workout.

It’s Worth Noting: Those with excessively sweaty feet may find the lining of these sandals become slippery.

Athletes know the importance of recovery after a workout, and the Oofos Sport Flex Sandal was designed with that in mind. Featuring a contoured footbed and an anatomically correct arch, the Sport Flex promotes the natural flexion of the foot you need to avoid injury. The foam footbed absorbs impact and relieves pressure on your feet, while the rubber outsole provides traction to reduce the risk of slips and falls. An adjustable upper strap ensures a secure, comfortable fit regardless of foot size.

The Oofos Sport Flex Sandal is available in women's sizes 5 to 20 and men's sizes 3 to 18. They come in standard width only and are available in black, white, and navy. With a slip-resistant design and a money-back guarantee, these sandals are the perfect addition to your workout bag.

Product Details:

  • Women's sizes: 5 to 20
  • Men's sizes: 3 to 18
  • Available Widths: Standard
  • Upper Material: OOfoam™
  • Insole Material: OOfoam™
  • Outsole Material: OOfoam™

Price at time of publication: $80

Best Water

KEEN Women’s Newport H2 Sandals


KEEN Women's Newport H2 Sandals

KEEN Women's Newport H2 Sandals


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Why We Like It: This hybrid sandal can be worn in the water or on dry land.

It’s Worth Noting: While machine washable, they must be air dried to avoid damaging the sandals.

Water enthusiasts rejoice—the Keen Newport H2 is the perfect sandal for your needs. These sandals feature a quick-drying polyester upper and a hydrophobic foam footbed that drains water quickly. The rubber outsole delivers a strong grip on wet or dry surfaces, making them ideal for boating, fishing, and more. A 10-point fit system ensures a secure, comfortable fit using bungee lacing, while the toe bumper protects your feet from rough surfaces.

The Keen Newport H2 is available in women's sizes 5 to 11 and men's sizes 7 to 17. They're also machine washable for easy cleaning. With an adjustable fit and a wide variety of color options, the Newport H2 is bound to become your go-to sandal for all your water adventures.

Product Details:

  • Women's sizes: 5 to 11
  • Men's sizes: 7 to 17
  • Available Widths: Standard
  • Upper Material: Polyester webbing
  • Insole Material: EVA
  • Outsole Material: Rubber

Price at time of publication: $130

Best Slide

Velous Laguna Slide

Best Sandals with Arch Support

Best Sandals with Arch Support


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Why We Like It: The patent pending Tri-Motion™ Technology promotes the natural motion of the foot.

It’s Worth Noting: The unisex design may not fit everyone’s style preferences.

Known for its recovery footwear, Velous makes a mean slide sandal. The Laguna Slide features a contoured footbed with arch support and a deep heel cup for stability. The EVA foam footbed absorbs shock and relieves pressure on your feet while stimulating blood flow with every step. Using Tri-Motion™ Technology, the three-part outsole flexes with your foot to reduce joint stress. The result is a sandal that supports the natural movement of your foot and provides all-day comfort.

The Laguna Slide is available in women's sizes 6 to 17 and men's sizes 4 to 15. They come in standard width only and are available in light gray/white, black/dark gray, and navy/yellow. With a slip-resistant design and a money-back guarantee, these slides will give your arches the support they need.

Product Details:

  • Women's sizes: 6 to 17
  • Men's sizes: 4 to 15
  • Available Widths: Standard
  • Upper Material: Synthetic leather, perforated foam, and textile lining
  • Insole Material: Triple density Foamotion Formula®
  • Outsole Material: Triple density Foamotion Formula®

Price at time of publication: $70

Best Platform

Naot Vesta Sandal

Best Sandals with Arch Support

Best Sandals with Arch Support


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Why We Like It: The Vesta Sandal has just enough height without compromising comfort or support.

It’s Worth Noting: While adjustable, the Vesta only comes in whole sizes and standard widths.

The Naot Vesta Sandal is a terrific choice for those who need a little extra height. This sandal features a 1.5-inch heel platform that adds style and stability. The footbed is made of cork and latex to mold to your feet and provide support. The arch support helps to reduce fatigue, while the metatarsal pad relieves pressure on the ball of your foot. Perfect for everyday wear, the Vesta promotes better posture and alignment.

The Naot Vesta Sandal is available in women's sizes 4 to 11 and in three color options: marigold leather, soft black leather, and kiss red leather. It features an adjustable hook-and-loop strap for a custom fit. With its stylish design and comfortable footbed, the Naot Vesta Sandal may become your preferred summer footwear.

Product Details:

  • Women's sizes: 4 to 11
  • Available Widths: Standard
  • Upper Material: Leather
  • Insole Material: Cork, latex, and suede
  • Outsole Material: Rubber

Price at time of publication: $165

Best Adjustable

Chacos Women’s Z/1 Classic Sandals

Chacos Women's Z/1 Classic Sandals

Chacos Women's Z/1 Classic Sandals


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Why We Like It: This podiatrist-recommended sandal from Chaco is fully adjustable for a custom fit.

It’s Worth Noting: The Z/1 lacks the toe strap found on the Z/2 sandal.

The Chaco Z/1 Classic is a versatile sandal that pairs well with everything from shorts to dresses. It features Chaco's trademarked webbing system that wraps around your foot for a secure, comfortable fit. The webbing is fully adjustable, so you can customize the fit to your foot. The LUVSEAT™ footbed contours to your feet and provides support, while the ChacoGrip™ rubber outsole provides traction on any surface. Not only are these sandals comfortable, but they're also stylish.

The Chaco Z/1 Classic is available in women's sizes 5 to 12 and men's sizes 7 to 12. Both standard and wide options are available. With an American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) Seal of Acceptance, these sandals carry you through the day without sacrificing style or comfort.

Product Details:

  • Women's sizes: 5 to 12
  • Men's sizes: 7 to 12
  • Available Widths: Standard, wide
  • Upper Material: Polyester jacquard webbing
  • Insole Material: LUVSEAT™ PU
  • Outsole Material: ChacoGrip™ rubber

Price at time of publication: $100

Best Casual

Reef Ortho Woven Sandal

Best Sandals with Arch Support

Best Sandals with Arch Support


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Why We Like It: The supportive heel cup allows for all-day wear without fatigue.

It’s Worth Noting: These woven sandals only come in whole sizes; size up if you're between sizes.

Reef's Ortho Woven sandals feature a woven upper that is both stylish and breathable. The footbed features cushioning EVA foam, while the outsole consists of a durable rubber material. Whether headed to the beach or running errands, the arch support and fitted heel cup keep your feet stable while on the go.

Reef's Ortho Woven sandals are available in women's sizes 5 to 11 in black/white and vintage white. With Reef's quality construction, these sandals will provide years of wear. And the one-year quality guarantee gives you peace of mind knowing your purchase is covered.

Product Details:

  • Women's sizes: 5 to 11
  • Available Widths: Standard
  • Upper Material: Recycled PET webbing and vegan leather
  • Insole Material: EVA foam
  • Outsole Material: Rubber

Price at time of publication: $70

How We Selected and Tested

We reviewed dozens of options before narrowing it down to the best arch support sandals on the market. We looked for features like adjustability, cushioning, and durability to find sandals that would provide all-day comfort without sacrificing style. Supportive features like heel cups and arch support were also taken into consideration. We also looked for sandals that would be versatile enough to wear with a variety of looks, from shorts to dresses. To top it off, we tested almost three dozen sandals by walking in them and taking note of things like how comfortable our feet were, if we developed blisters or chafing, if our feet got sweaty, and whether or not we felt excess pressure on our heels, arches, toes, and ankles.

We consulted with podiatrists to get their professional recommendations on what to look for in a supportive sandal. Podiatrists we spoke to included:

  • Zahava Robinson, DPM, and owner of Bondi Podiatry
  • Said Atway, DPM, Said Atway, DPM, a podiatrist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
  • Nelya Lobkova, DPM, and founder of Step Up Footcare in TriBeCa, NYC. 

With these factors in mind, we narrowed down our selection to the 17 best arch support sandals on the market.

What to Know About Sandals with Arch Support


"Arch support is critically important in sandals, especially for people with pain, dysfunction, and instability, '' says Zahava Robinson, DPM, and owner of Bondi Podiatry. "Although some people can wear sandals without arch support—and this may be beneficial as with the barefoot movement—it's more important to consider arch support."

Sandals with arch support typically feature a raised arch or contoured footbed. This helps distribute your weight evenly and prevents foot fatigue. If you have high arches, look for sandals with extra arch support. And if you have flat feet, consider a sandal with a built-in orthotic.

A heel cup may also be helpful, as it creates a pocket for your heel which promotes optimal foot health. It also reduces heel pain and agonizing blisters. Combining these features with a cushioned footbed creates a sandal that’s comfortable for all-day wear.

"When we wear sandals with a decent footbed, cushioned or platform outsole, and adjustable and flexible straps, we nurture the muscles and bones that we use in the walking cycle. This eliminates overuse injuries, such as metatarsalgia (pain in the ball of the foot) and plantar fasciitis (heel pain)," explains Nelya Lobkova, DPM, board-certified podiatrist and founder of Step Up Footcare in TriBeCa, NYC. 

"These are the two of the most common conditions associated with wearing uncomfortable and ill-fitted sandals," she adds. Sandals with adequate arch support help disperse your weight to avoid painful conditions from developing.


Most sandals have an upper made of breathable materials like fabric or leather. The footbed may consist of foam, cork, or an orthotic material. And the outsole should be made of durable, slip-resistant material—like rubber.

"There is no best material for arch support. It depends on the degree of support required and the level of comfort," explains Robinson. "The firmer the material, the more support. However, this doesn't always translate to comfort."

Robinson notes that some of the most well-known and loved arch support sandals use versatile materials that offer a high level of support and comfort. "Some wonderful materials available for arch support include cork seen in Naot and Birkenstock sandals, polypropylene used in orthotics, and leather with padding for breathability."

Lobkova highlights the importance of finding sandals with a firm footbed. "When looking for a sandal with arch support, put your hand inside the insole. There should be a firm bump or elevation in the arch area (the midsection of the sandal)," she explains. "I recommend looking for an insole made from firm materials, such as PVC or cork."

Shoe Styles

The style of sandals you choose likely depends on personal preference. But there are a few that offer more support than others. Platform sandals and slide sandals typically have a thicker sole that helps distribute your weight evenly. And adjustable straps can provide a customized fit that helps prevent foot pain.

"For heel-lovers, look for pumps with a platform under the ball of the foot. The platform acts as a shock absorber to decrease the stress on the ball of the foot, which can cause pain and soreness," explains Lobkova.

"Look for a strap around the ankle or add a strap to your current summer sandals. The strap provides extra stability in the ankle and awareness that the ankle is supported, allowing you to wear heels for longer and minimize the chance of getting an ankle sprain."

Lobkova also recommends avoiding sandals with thin soles and non-adjustable straps, as neither provides adequate support for the foot. Straps that can't be adjusted are more likely to rub and cause blisters. And sandals with thin soles offer little support which leads to foot pain.

"There are plenty of options for summer shoe gear that the shoe industry has recognized as necessary to provide support and function without compromising style," adds Atway. “Shoes should be selected for the activity that is being performed, any areas of pain, and functionality."

Your Questions, Answered

Do podiatrists recommend Birkenstocks?

Birkenstocks have many characteristics that podiatrists look for in a sandal, including a deep heel cup, adjustable strap, and firm footbed. The cork material used in Birkenstocks is also a plus, as it's both comfortable and supportive. However, arch support may look different for each person, so it's essential to consult with a podiatrist or another medical professional to find the best sandal for your foot type.

What sandal has the most arch support?

No one sandal has the most arch support. The amount of support you need depends on your foot type and any pain you might be experiencing. Some people prefer a firmer material for arch support, while others find more comfort in a softer material. It's important to consult with a podiatrist or another medical professional to find the best sandal for your needs.

What types of sandals should people who need arch support avoid?

Wearing proper shoes is important for people with foot pain, and several sandal styles can provide the support you need. According to Robinson, you should avoid wearing "flat sandals with a thin sole and minimal straps, particularly if it's flimsy and made of poor thin material.” Lobkova recommends avoiding sandals with thin soles and a single or non-adjustable strap.

How much can I expect to pay for sandals with arch support?

The prices of sandals with arch support vary depending on the brand and quality of materials used. The sandals on our list range in price from $40 to $140, with our top pick Skechers Go Walk Arch Fit Affinity costing $70.

Who We Are

As a nurse and public health professional, Lindsay Modglin is an experienced journalist who covers the rapidly evolving health and medical field. Her byline has been featured in global publications like Forbes, Insider, Verywell, and more. She enjoys researching and writing about the latest developments in health, wellness, and medical technology. Her goal is to help readers make actionable and informed decisions about the products and services they use to improve their lives.

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The 51 Best Gifts for Guys Who Love to Work Out Wed, 16 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 We independently research, test, review, and recommend the best
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When you're gift shopping for men, it's easy to fall back on the old standbys: a tie, a wallet, or a watch . But you know you can do better than that—especially if fitness is one of his passions. Whether he's a CrossFit fanatic, a marathon runner, or even a total newbie at the gym, you'll discover something he'll love on this list.

From gadgets like massage guns that will help speed up his muscle recovery (and, honestly, just help him feel great after a rigorous workout) to wearables and trackers that will help him set a new PR, this guide has you covered. We consulted men who workout—our partners, ourselves, and experts like personal trainers—to find the best gifts for any occasion.

Here, the best gifts for fitness-loving guys.

Under Armour Men's Charged Assert 8 Running Shoe

Under Armour Men's Charged Assert 8 Running Shoe

Under Armour Men’s Charged Assert 8 Running Shoe

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Whether or not he’s running a race, he’ll always need some comfy kicks, this Under Armour sneaker is a great option. The mesh upper is so light he’ll forget he’s even wearing them and the simple design cranks up the versatility. Plus, it’s Amazon’s bestseller in the “men’s running shoe” category, and has earned more than 33,000 five-star ratings from customers—so you know it must be good.

Price at time of publication: Starting at $70

Theragun Prime Massage Gun

Theragun Prime

Theragun Prime

Dick's Sporting Goods

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Massage guns are great recovery tools, plus they feel nice on tired muscles after a long workout (or, frankly, a long day). After testing, we named the Theragun Prime our best pick for athletes because it provides deep percussive relief to even the tightest muscles. So it's, in a word, perfect for any guy who loves to workout.

Price at time of publication: $299



Jaybird Vista 2 True Wireless Sport Headphones

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Despite a wireless design, the Jaybird Vista 2 will hold up during even the hardest workouts. The sweat-proof pick has interchangeable buds for a custom fit, as well as tiny silicone attachments that tucks into the ear for extra security during high-impact moves. Other impressive features include a 24-hour battery life and a SurroundSense technology that allows ambient noise to keep users aware. But best of all, the Jaybird app allows for customized sound settings.

Price at time of publication: $100

Beer Making Kit

Beer Making Kit

Brooklyn Brew Shop Everyday IPA Beer Making Kit

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Buy on Bloomingdales

For the guy who swears by a post-run brew, this beer-making kit has everything he needs to transform his kitchen into a small-batch brewery. It comes with grains, hops, and yeast, as well as a glass fermenter and several other tools he can reuse after he drinks his first gallon of homebrew. Choose from IPA, American Wheat, and several other popular craft beer styles.

Price at time of publication: $45

BALEAF Men's Cycling Jacket

BALEAF Men's Cycling Jacket

BALEAF Men’s Cycling Jacket, Windproof Vest Lightweight Running Biking Golf

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Two big considerations for running in the elements: blocking wind and keeping dry. This bestselling jacket on Amazon does both. It’s lightweight, breathable, packable, and the fabric features UPF50+ to protect you from the sun on long runs or bike rides. Vents at the back offer additional airflow and the sleeves zip off, converting this jacket into a vest for hot summer days, making this a versatile piece you can use year round.

Price at time of publication: $43

Espro Travel Tea Press

Espro Travel Tea Press

Espro Travel Tea Press

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This portable coffee maker was made for guys on the move. It boasts a two-filtered system that lets him brew a to-go cup of rich, grit-free coffee in either French press or pour-over style. Plus, the sleek, leak-resistant mug is designed to fit seamlessly into a cup holder, bag, or even the water bottle cage on a bike.

Price at time of publication: $45

TIMBUK2 Classic Messenger Bag

TIMBUK2 Classic Messenger Bag

TIMBUK2 Classic Messenger Bag

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This sturdy, water-resistant messenger bag will become a daily stable—it's roomy enough to fit a laptop, DSLR camera, books, gym gear, and more. Plus, the inner lining is super easy to wipe down and has a Vista Loop to attach a blinking bike light.

Price at time of publication: Starting at $78

Everlast Elite Hook & Loop Training Gloves

Everlast Elite Hook & Loop Training Gloves

Everlast Elite Hook & Loop Training Gloves

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If he's looking for a well-rounded workout, boxing is where it's at. Working the heavy bag combines heart-pumping cardio with strength training and coordination. And if he loves hitting the bag, protecting the hands is paramount. These leather gloves are top notch. The ergonomic interior hugs the fist for comfort as well as protection. An added benefit of these gloves: Even after hours of sweaty use, they won't stink.

Price at time of publication: Starting at $115

Ultimate Ears Megaboom 3 Portable Waterproof Speaker

Ultimate Ears Megaboom 3 Portable Waterproof Speaker

Ultimate Ears Megaboom 3 Portable Waterproof Speaker

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The Megaboom 3 has a slicker look than its predecessor, but this newer version is more than just a facelift. It's still shock- and water-proof, and now dust-proof, too. The Bluetooth range has also been upped to a sprawling 150 feet, and it will pair with previous generations of Megaboom speakers—up to 150 of them—to really get the volume pumping.

Price at time of publication: $195

THE GYM PEOPLE Men's Fleece Joggers

THE GYM PEOPLE Men's Fleece Joggers

THE GYM PEOPLE Men’s Fleece Joggers Loose-fit Sweatpants for Workout, Running, Training

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For the man who loves to get cozy after a sweat session, these supersoft sweats are a dream come true. The fleece fabric will keep him warm on even the coldest winter days, the draw cord waist ensures a perfect fit, and the jogger style is chic enough to wear outside the house to lunch or running errands after a workout.

Price at time of publication: $30

AmazonBasics Battle Exercise Training Rope

AmazonBasics Battle Exercise Training Rope

AmazonBasics Battle Exercise Training Rope

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Slamming battle ropes is an epic cardio workout that also strengthens the shoulders, abs, arms, and legs. He can take this workout gear anywhere—all he needs is an anchor strap and sturdy place to set up shop (like a pole or even a tree).

Price at time of publication: $55

Happy Fit Total Upper Body Workout Bar

Happy Fit Total Upper Body Workout Bar

Happy Fit Total Upper Body Workout Bar- Exercise Equipment

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This versatile piece of equipment gives him the freedom to get an amazing workout at home, while traveling, or even at the office—whether that's by turning his doorway into a pull-up bar or cranking out some tricep dips. The options are (nearly) endless!

Price at time of publication: $30

Roam Universal Premium Bike Phone Mount

Roam Universal Premium Bike Phone Mount

Roam Universal Premium Bike Phone Mount

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Does he spend more hours on his bike than in the car? Then he'll be psyched when you get him this phone mountcase for his favorite set of wheels. It's rain-, dust-, and dirt-proof, plus built to resist shocks and vibrations in the road.

Price at time of publication: $13

Smartwool Merino 250 Beanie

Smartwool Merino 250 Beanie

Smartwool Merino 250 Beanie

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Winter weather isn't going to stop him from heading outside for a hike or long run. This merino wool beanie will keep his head nice and toasty (without causing any overheating, since merino is a temperature-regulating material), whether he's hitting the trail or strolling to work. Plus, merino wool also naturally repels odor, wicks away moisture, and dries quickly without causing any irritation.

Price at time of publication: $30



Warby Parker Abe Sunglasses

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Every fit dude needs a slick pair of shades to protect his eyes from harmful rays. These sunglasses from Warby Parker are the perfect balance of stylish and functional.

Price at time of publication: $145

Apple Watch Series 6 (GPS, 40mm) - Space Gray

Apple Watch Series 6 (GPS, 40mm) - Space Gray

Apple Watch Series 6 (GPS, 40mm) – Space Gray Aluminum Case with Black Sport Band

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The Apple Watch Series 6 has all of the features you love — it can track your activity, heart rate, and different types of exercises, from running to swimming to strength training — plus new additions, like a blood oxygen sensor. (And it's cheapter than the latest release!) The always-on display lets you view your metrics easily, and the GPS model lets you take calls and reply to texts right from your wrist. Plus, you can sync your favorite music, podcasts, and audiobooks and have them at the ready whenever you need to sneak in a workout.

Price at time of publication: $320

CERBERUS STRENGTH Dual-Ply Sandbag (2nd Generation)

CERBERUS STRENGTH Dual-Ply Sandbag (2nd Generation)

‎CERBERUS STRENGTH Dual-Ply Sandbag (2nd Generation)

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Sandbags are one of the most versatile pieces of home workout equipment you can get. Squat it, press it, throw it, carry it—he'll be able to work every muscle group, and even do cardio, no matter how tight the space. Sand shifts in the bag, meaning he'll have to work harder to stabilize and move it, so even a lighter weight bag will make for a great full-body workout. As far as sandbags go, Cerberus Strength makes some of the best in the game, having been used in training and competition by pro strength athletes around the world. Made of military grade cordura nylon, these bags are tough as nails, plus they have a built-in liner and multi-layered seal to prevent spills.

Price at time of publication: Starting at $90

Iron Infidel Pull Up Assistance Bands for Working Out

Iron Infidel Pull Up Assistance Bands for Working Out

Iron Infidel Pull Up Assistance Bands for Working Out – Resistance Bands Set

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Bands are another space-efficient way to get a full workout in just about any room of the house. This 5-band set is great for pull-up assistance, even if he’s just starting out. He can use a thicker band to lend more help, and downgrade to thinner ones as he progresses. If the pandemic has him missing his gym’s cable machines, throw in a door anchor and he’ll be able recreate just about any move.

Price at time of publication: $90

OtterBox Trooper Cooler

OtterBox Trooper Cooler

OtterBox Trooper Cooler

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For any active guy who loves to take his exercise to the great outdoors, this ultra-durable cooler is an awesome gift. Whether he's planning a camping excursion or football weekend, this cooler will keep his refreshing snacks, water, and beer perfectly chilled.

Price at time of publication: $250

RumbleRoller Midsize Original 22'' Foam Roller

RumbleRoller Midsize Original 22'' Foam Roller

RumbleRoller Midsize Original 22” Foam Roller

Buy on Dick’s

Foam rolling is a great way to loosen up before or after a workout—but most foam rollers don't dig in deep enough to get those really stubborn trigger points. This clever design solves that issue by better spacing out the kneading bumps, which allows them to better penetrate the muscle. Plus, there even a firmer version available for more aggressive rolling, if needed.

Price at time of publication: $60

Tru Grit Fitness Cast Iron Kettlebell Weights

Tru Grit Fitness Cast Iron Kettlebell Weights

Tru Grit Fitness Cast Iron Kettlebell Weights

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When it comes to guys who love to workout, you can't go wrong with more weight. Kettlebells are one of the most versatile workout tools around since they're small and can be used (in pairs or singles) to work pretty much every muscle group. These from Tru Grit are exactly what you'd want in a kettlebell: simple, balanced, and made of a tough, yet smooth cast iron. The flat bottom is wider than most, which makes for easier storage, and they're color-coded by weight for easy switching.

Price at time of publication: Starting at $20

Champion Men's Shorts

Champion Men's Shorts

Champion Men’s Shorts Mesh Gym Shorts

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New running or training shorts are always a good (and much-needed) gift idea. This pair is made of breathable mesh fabric and has handy pockets for his keys, phone, and wallet. Not to mention, it’s Amazon’s bestselling men’s running short and has earned more than 15,800 five-star ratings from happy shoppers.

Price at time of publication: Starting at $14

Sling Shot Mark Bell Workout Band

Sling Shot Mark Bell Workout Band

Sling Shot Mark Bell Original Exercise Assistance Workout Band

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Designed by powerlifting legend Mark Bell, this resistance band loops around the arms and across the chest, lending an extra boost to chest exercises. While it will help him press more weight, the equipment works just as well for push-ups and dips. Plus, it's also a shoulder saver because the band enforces good form on the bench press by tucking the elbow, making it a great tool for guys who want to lift heavy. Available in various resistance levels, the Slingshot is suitable for the beginners who just want to eke out a few extra push-ups or the barbell beasts looking for a 500-pound bench.

Price at time of publication: $63

Titleist Pro V1x Golf Balls ( One Dozen )

Titleist Pro V1x Golf Balls ( One Dozen )

Titleist Pro V1x Golf Balls, One Dozen

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If you're looking for a more affordable gift for the golfer on your list, they're sure to appreciate this set of golf balls, often considered the best out there, since they're the most-used balls on tour. Whether he's working on his short game in the backyard or playing a few rounds on the weekend, he can never have enough balls.

Price at time of publication: Starting at $35

Blast Golf - Swing and Stroke Analyzer (Sensor)

Blast Golf - Swing and Stroke Analyzer (Sensor)

Blast Motion Golf Swing and Stroke Analyzer

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Smarten up his golf game with this swing analyzer. All he has to do is attach the sensor to his club and he'll be able to track the tempo and angle of his swing, as well as other important metrics. He can even get into specifics around certain aspects of his game, like putting.

Price at time of publication: $95

Theragun Elite Massage Gun

Therabody TheraGun Elite

Therabody TheraGun Elite


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Upgrade his muscle recovery with a massage gun. This model from Theragun has five attachments, a convenient carrying case for easy storage, and is quieter than other models. The different attachments help target muscle groups from his back and shoulders to calves and hamstrings, and the unique handle design makes it ergonomic for getting those hard-to-reach places. 

Price at time of publication: $399

SUNPOW Pull-Up Assistance Bands

SUNPOW Pull-Up Assistance Bands

SUNPOW Pull-Up Assistance Bands

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This set of fitness bands offers five levels of resistance and can be used on their own for a full-body workout or to aid in weight-training and pull-ups. Plus, these light bands don’t take up much space, making them easy to toss in a gym bag or to add to a home gym. 

Price at time of publication: $60

Bowflex SelectTech 552 Adjustable Dumbbells

Bowflex SelectTech 552 Adjustable Dumbbells

Bowflex SelectTech 552 Adjustable Dumbbells

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A full set of dumbbells can take up a lot of room and be a costly investment. Using adjustable weights is a great way to save on both space and money while still being equipped for a variety of exercises.

Price at time of publication: $429

Nathan QuickStart Lite Running Vest

Nathan QuickStart Lite Running Vest

Nathan QuickStart Lite Running Vest

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For the avid runner, this adjustable hydration pack vest is a needed accessory for longer training days. The lightweight vest carries up to 1.5 liters of water and has front and back pockets to stash essentials. 

Price at time of publication: $50

3DActive 3DFitBud Simple Step Counter 3D Pedometer

3DActive 3DFitBud Simple Step Counter 3D Pedometer

3DActive 3DFitBud Simple Step Counter 3D Pedometer

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Many runners like to keep what they carry to a minimum to avoid jostling or extra weight. So even though it can be helpful to track your runs, you might not want to bring a phone or watch with you on your run. This simple pedometer clips on to the waistband, allowing you to count your steps without the bulk.  

Price at time of publication: $40

Groove Life Original Solid Colored Ring

Groove Life Original Solid Colored Ring

Groove Life Original Solid Colored Ring

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It's easy to scratch a regular ring while lifting or rock climbing. Plus, metal rings can sometimes pinch or become a safety concern during certain activities. This attractive silicone ring sits comfortably on the finger and is made to stretch to help avoid injury. The ring comes in a variety of colors, too. 

Price at time of publication: $35

Face & Body Sunscreen Lotion

Face & Body Sunscreen Lotion

All Good Makes Everything Better Sport Face & Body Sunscreen Lotion

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It's essential to protect your skin during an outdoor workout. This sunscreen offers sun protection for up to 80-minutes while also maintaining water- and sweat-resistance. So whether you get super sweaty or are a super swimmer, you’re covered.

Price at time of publication: $14

Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleansing Cloths

Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleansing Cloths

Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleansing Cloths

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Buy on Walmart

Know a guy who loves to hit the gym and still have time to catch the end of happy hour? These wipes can help keep him feeling and smelling fresh when he goes from his workout straight to his hangout. 

Price at time of publication: $24

Marcy Compact Dumbbell Rack

Marcy Compact Dumbbell Rack

Marcy DBR-56 Compact Dumbbell Rack

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If you know someone who does home workouts, you've probably seen their dumbbells looking a little scattered. This affordable dumbbell rack can help keep weights organized on a budget.

Price at time of publication: $80

Lululemon Metal Vent Tech Headband

Lululemon Metal Vent Tech Headband

Lululemon Metal Vent Tech Headband

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This wide-set headband has a modern yet functional style to keep sweat out of your face and eyes. It can also help keep your strands securely tucked back while allowing airflow, as anyone with longer locks knows the struggle of keeping hair out of their face during a workout. 

Price at time of publication: $18

Foam Roller

Foam Roller

TriggerPoint GRID Foam Roller

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Foam rolling is a self-massage and dynamic warm-up all in one. The pressure and movement prepares your body for a tough workout and helps ease sore muscles. This foam roller offers several surfaces and is easy to store at home or bring with you to the gym.

Price at time of publication: $37

Nuun Sport 8-pack

Nuun Sport 8-pack

Nuun Sport 8-pack

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This pack of tablets is perfect for the guy who loves his recovery almost as much as he likes making gains. The quick-dissolving tab offers a blend of electrolytes for fast hydration after a tough workout. Choose from a variety of flavors, including a few that include added caffeine. 

Price at time of publication: $60 for 8-pack

Bandelettes Anti-Chafing Thigh Bands for Men

Bandelettes Anti-Chafing Thigh Bands for Men

Bandelettes Anti-Chafing Thigh Bands for Men

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Chafing can be an irritating and often painful result of any workout that involves repetitive friction and sweat—like running, for example. These thigh bands for men are made to prevent pain from chafing, so you can finish your workout in comfort.

Price at time of publication: $20

Body Glyde Cycle Glide Anti Saddle Sore Balm

Body Glyde Cycle Glide Anti Saddle Sore Balm

Body Glyde Cycle Glide Anti Saddle Sore Balm

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Whatever type of biking you do—road, race, mountain, BMX, even commuting—you can experience rubbing that results in saddle sores, which are skin lesions that form anywhere your body comes in contact with the bike seat. This balm protects your skin from the friction and rubbing to help prevent saddle sores.

Price at time of publication: $11

RunGoo Protective Foot Cream

RunGoo Protective Foot Cream

RunGoo Protective Foot Cream

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If you run or participate in a sport that involves running, such as soccer, basketball, or tennis, you may develop blisters or calluses from time to time. This cream serves as a protective barrier between your skin and sock to help prevent these sores, whether you're wearing a running sneaker, cleat, or other athletic shoe.

Price at time of publication: $12

Gymshark Small Everyday Gym Bag

Gymshark Small Everyday Gym Bag

Gymshark Small Everyday Gym Bag

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For the gym-goer that appreciates style, this workout bag offers both form and functionality. The sleek duffel has several compartments to store gym gear and small equipment, including a mesh pocket for sweaty towels and a holdall bag for your keys, wallet, and other essentials. 

Price at time of publication: $42

VEICK Resistance Bands

VEICK Resistance Bands

VEICK Resistance Bands

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This set of five adjustable resistance bands ranging from 10 to 50 pounds can add strength training to any workout. The bands also come with a carrying bag so that you can use them at home, the gym, or even in your office.

Price at time of publication: $34

GHB Pro Agility Ladder

GHB Pro Agility Ladder

GHB Pro Agility Ladder

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This 20-foot agility ladder can help you train to improve balance, speed, and step accuracy over time. The foldable ladder is perfect for an exercise-lover wanting to gain lower body strength, better their sport performance, or burn some extra calories. 

Price at time of publication: $22

MAWODE T10 Portable Wireless Speaker

MAWODE T10 Portable Wireless Speaker

MAWODE T10 Portable Wireless Speaker

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Music is a must for getting in the zone during a workout. This wireless speaker lets your athletic guy jam to his pump-up playlist anywhere, anytime. The portable speaker is waterproof and lightweight, making it great for outdoor workouts, too. 

Price at time of publication: $19

Gaiam Men's Athletic Shirt

Gaiam Men's Athletic Shirt

Gaiam Men’s Athletic Shirt

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Focus on your performance rather than ill-fitting workout clothes. This lightweight, sweat-wicking athletic shirt offers both comfort and style to get you through any workout.

Price at time of publication: $24

Bombas Men's Running Ankle Sock 4-Pack Gift Bag

Bombas Men's Running Ankle Sock 4-Pack Gift Bag

Bombas Men’s Running Ankle Sock 4-Pack Gift Bag

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A pair of high-quality performance socks will bring you further in a workout and last longer over time than your basic white cottons. With breathable, moisture-wicking fabric and strategic zone cushioning, these running socks were built for movement. 

Price at time of publication: $72

Alo Hero Underwear

Alo Hero Underwear

Alo Hero Underwear

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Supportive, breathable undergarments can be essential during a grueling workout or long run. This pair is made with a quick-dry jersey blend, lay-flat elastic waistband, and four-way stretch. That means they stay in place while keeping you cool and comfortable. 

Price at time of publication: $28



BlenderBottle Radian Insulated Shaker Bottle

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For the guy who always reaches for a protein shake after a workout, upgrade his plastic bottle with this stainless steel one. The durable, insulated bottle holds 26 ounces and comes with a steel spiral ball to smoothly blend protein powder just by shaking. 

Price at time of publication: $25

ELEMIS Cool-Down Body Wash

ELEMIS Cool-Down Body Wash

ELEMIS Cool-Down Body Wash

Buy on Dermstore

Upgrade his post-gym shower routine with a luxurious cool-down body wash. This gel-based cleanser includes menthol, which offers a cooling effect to refresh and soothe achy muscles after a workout

Price at time of publication: $40

5-Ingredient Clean Eating Cookbook: 25 Simple Recipes to Nourish and Inspire

5-Ingredient Clean Eating Cookbook: 25 Simple Recipes to Nourish and Inspire

5-Ingredient Clean Eating Cookbook: 25 Simple Recipes to Nourish and Inspire

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You know the saying: Abs are made in the kitchen. For the guy working on his nutrition, this cookbook offers 125 easy healthy recipes that will keep him fueled for his workouts. 

Price at time of publication: $18

Patagonia Ultralight Black Hole Mini Hip Pack

Patagonia Ultralight Black Hole Mini Hip Pack

Patagonia Ultralight Black Hole Mini Hip Pack

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For the guy on-the-go, this small waistpack carries all the essentials without slowing you down. Stash your keys, phone, a snack, and more, and then head out on a run, hike, or to the gym. Even better? The durable yet lightweight pack can fold up into its own pocket when not in use, so you can always keep it on you and pull it out when needed. 

Price at time of publication: $35

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8 Pilates Moves To Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor Thu, 03 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000

If your core is the foundation of your strength, the pelvic floor is the first brick of that foundation from which your strength comes. Your pelvic floor is comprised of the muscles that run from your pubic bone to your tailbone and from sit bone to sit bone. These muscles control everything from stabilizing your core and supporting your organs to having an orgasm and releasing your bowels. But with age, your pelvic floor can weaken, says Ife Obi, a certified Pilates instructor and founder of The Fit In, a Pilates, barre, and strength studio in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn.

"Pregnancy, giving birth, lifting heavy things off the ground, menopause, and fibroids all have an impact on our pelvic floor muscles," Obi explains. By strengthening these muscles, you can help prevent dysfunction as you get older.

One simple way to engage them is to pull them up and in as if you're holding your pee and stopping gas. Mimicking holding your pee tackles the tailbone and public bone muscles, while pretending to stop gas will target the rectal muscles (which go across the sitting bones).

"Having control of your pelvic floor muscles means knowing when to tighten but also when to relax," Obi says. If your pelvic floor muscles remain tense, it can lead to discomfort, especially when having sex or going to the bathroom, Obi says.

And there's no better way to fortify and release those muscles than with Pilates. Both the exercises themselves and the general principles (like breath, concentration, and precision) will help you gain control. Designed and demonstrated by Obi, this routine will give your pelvic floor the TLC it needs, while also working your core, glutes, and hamstrings.


Lying on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the ground, inhale deeply, pressing your lower back into the floor while keeping a neutral pelvis. Exhale to brace core and engage pelvic floor muscles, and lift left foot off the ground with knee bent at 90 degrees and shin parallel to the ground. Slowly lower your foot back down to the ground. Do 10 reps on each side.


Lie on back with knees in tabletop position, stacking knees above hips. Place hands down by your sides. Flex feet and bring heels together, forming a V-shape, and open knees wide to the sides. Press your lower back to the floor. Inhale as you extend your legs straight out (maintain the V-shape with your feet as you extend your legs), so you have max core engagement when your longest lever (your legs) are extended bracing core and engaging pelvic floor muscles. Exhale as you bring your feet and knees back to the V position and relax the muscles. Do 10 reps.

Flat Back Hinge

Sit on the ground with legs extended in front of you with feet hip distance apart and hands behind your head. Keep the pelvis in a neutral position while squeezing sit bones and bracing the core. Then, inhale as you hinge your torso back and continue to hinge back until you feel the tension in the abs. But keep your back flat the entire time. Contract pelvic floor muscles and hold for 3 counts, then exhale and return to starting position. Do 10 reps.

Shoulder Bridge

Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the ground hip-width apart. Press your lower back to the floor. On an inhale, lift hips off the ground, squeezing glutes at the top. Pull abs in and pelvic floor up. Exhale as you lower your hips back down to the ground. Do 10 reps.

Side Lying Knee to Heel

Lie on the left side with knees bent to 90 degrees and support your head with your left arm (you can place your right hand on the ground in front of you for support or behind your head). Make sure to stack the left hip directly above the right and the left knee over the right. Keep hips square, with a neutral spine and pelvis, throughout the entire movement. Think about lifting the bottom of the waist off the ground to keep the torso or spine aligned and to stabilize the pelvis. Squeeze the outer glute of the top leg as you rotate the top knee open and bring heels together. Then, internally rotate the top thigh and bring knees together while separating feet (this is one rep). Inhale for one full rep and exhale for one full rep. Do 5-10 reps per side.

Bird Dog

Start with hands and knees on the ground, stacking shoulders directly above wrists and hips above knees. Keep the spine and pelvis neutral and engage your pelvic floor muscles. On an inhale, extend your left arm straight in front of you and your right leg straight behind you. Then, exhale and bring both arm and leg back down to the starting position, relaxing the pelvic floor and core muscles. Repeat with the right arm and left leg. Keep alternating, completing 5-10 reps on each side.

Quadruped Plank

Start with hands and knees on the ground, stacking shoulders directly above wrists and hips above knees. Tuck the pelvis in to brace your core and engage your pelvic floor muscles. Press hands down into the ground and lifts your knees off the ground a couple of inches. Hold for 5-10 seconds, then bring knees back down to the ground, breathing in and out as you continuously draw your abs in and pelvic floor up. Repeat for 5 reps.

Deep Squat

Stand with feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart and toes turned out 45 degrees. Keeping chest lifted, core braced, pelvic floor engaged, and back flat, slowly inhale as you bend the knees and send butt back and down while lifting arms overhead. Lower down until thighs are parallel to the ground. Hold the bottom of the squat for 3 breaths, then return to standing on the next exhale. Do 5-10 reps.

This article originally appeared in the April 2022 issue of Health Magazine. Click here to subscribe today!

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